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Amida Survey Microservice

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Table of Contents


  1. Install all dependencies:

    • Node.js v8 or greater
    • Postgres (v9.6 or greater)

    Note: Default installations of Postgres on macOS (such as through homebrew or DMG install) may not grant proper permission to your postgres user role. macOS users may need to alter their Postgres user role with role attribute LOGIN. See ALTER ROLE – ( in the Postgres Documentation for more.

    Note: Windows users may be required to install Python 2.7 and Visual C++ Build Tools. Please follow Installing Python and Visual C++ Build Tools (Windows) prior to continuing installation.

  2. Install dependencies: yarn

  3. Create a .env file in root: cp .env.example .env

Note: See Configuration for more about configuring your .env file.

  1. Create database: yarn create_db

  2. Populate database: yarn seed

  3. Run: yarn serve

Installing Python and Visual C++ Build Tools (Windows)

Due to variances between Windows, Linux, and macOS, Windows users will have to add a few steps for installing the needed components for node-gyp. And all users will probably have to install Python 2.7 as well.

  1. Download & install Python 2.7.
  2. Set the Environmental Variables for the Python install, including the variable 'PYTHON.'
  3. Download & install Visual C++ Build Tools.
  4. Run 'npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global'
  5. If errors continue to occur, update to the latest version of yarn with 'npm install npm -g'


Use export NODE_ENV=development (or production or test) to set node environment in Bash compatible shells or equivalent in others.

Add to PATH export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ Note: You'll have to preform this operation for each new shell session, or add the Postgres bin file to your $PATH variable.

.env.example is a a minimal example. To use, cp .env.example .env.

A list of full environment variable settings is below. They can be either manually set in the shell or can be included in the .env file. Defaults indicated in paranthesis.

  • JWT_SECRET: Secret for JWT encryption ('this is a secret' for development and test).
  • AUTH_MICROSERVICE_URL: Base client url for password reset (no default).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PORT: Port for the API server (9005).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_DB: Database name (surveyService for development and production, surveyServicetest for test).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_USER: Database user (no default).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_PASSWORD: Database password (no default).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_HOST: Database host ip (localhost).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_PORT: Database host port (5432).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_SCHEMA: Database schema in postgres sense. This can be either a single schema name or '~' delimited string of multi tenant schema names.
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_DB_DIALECT: Database dialect (postgres only, see here).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_POOL_MAX: Maximum number of connections in pool.
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_POOL_MIN: Minimum number of connections in pool.
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_POOL_IDLE: The maximum time, in milliseconds, that a connection can be idle before being released.
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_PG_SSL: Use secure connections with SSL.
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_SUPER_USER_USERNAME: Super user username (super).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_SUPER_USER_PASSWORD: Super user password (Am!d@2017PW).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_LOGGING_LEVEL: Logging level (info).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_CRYPT_HASHROUNDS: Number of rounds for hashing user passwords (10).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_CRYPT_RESET_TOKEN_LENGTH: Length for reset password token (20).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_CRYPT_RESET_PASSWORD_LENGTH: Length for temporary random password during reset (10).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_CRYPT_RESET_EXPIRES: Reset password expires value in seconds (3600).
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_CORS_ORIGIN: Client URIs that the API CORS setup will accept. Delimited by spaces for multiple URIs e.g. "http://localhost:4000"
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_ZIP_BASE_URL: Base API URL for Zipwise zip code API. Set to
  • SURVEY_SERVICE_ZIP_API_KEY: API key for Zipwise.


yarn start OR yarn serve

Run server (default port is 9005)

yarn test

Runs all the tests.

yarn test:coverage

Runs all the tests and displays coverage metrics.

yarn lint

Multitenant Support

Multitenancy is supported through postgres schemas. Multiple schemas are specified using SURVEY_SERVICE_DB_SCHEMA as a '~' delimited string of schema names. This project assumes that each schema has the same table structure during database synchronization. Schema names are appended to the base url for each API end point so that each tenant can be accessed using a different path.


# deletes db, creates db, runs migrations and then tests
yarn jenkins

# Only run the tests (assumes migrations have been run)
yarn test

# Run test along with code coverage
yarn test:coverage

# Run tests enforcing code coverage (configured via .istanbul.yml)
yarn test:check-coverage

This project primarily uses Mocha, Chai and Super Test for automated testing. Sinon is also used in a couple of tests when it is absolutely necessary to use stubs. Stubbing in general however is avoided.

All tests are located in test directory in a mostly flat directory structure. All API entries both get a HTTP integration test and an equivalent model test. Unit tests for other utility modules are also included in the root directory. In addition test/use-cases directory includes informative tests designed to instruct how to use the API from a client.

Individual test suites can be run using mocha. In order to run the tests, make sure you first run createdb surveyServicetest.

$ mocha test/survey.model.spec.js --bail

Each test in a file may depend on some of the previous tests so using flag bail is recommended.

Most API resources are documented in snippets in the integration document. A top level script that exercises snippets is also included.


File swagger.json describes the API. There are various swagger tools such as swagger-codegen that can be used view or generate reports based on this file.

When the survey-service api server is running /docs resource serves Swagger-UI as the API user interface (localhost:9005/docs for default settings). However due to current limited support for JWT, Swagger-UI mostly works as documentation and resources that require authorization can not be run.

Detailed description of the API with working examples is provided in the integration document.

Database Design


All table and column names are in snake case to follow Postgres convention and for ability to write Postgres queries easily. All tables have created_at columns. All tables for which records can be updated have an updated_at column. All tables for which records can be soft deleted have a deleted_at column. If there is a timestamp value at the deleted_at column, the record is soft deleted. No record on any table is ever hard deleted. If exists column line is used to order records for client presentation.

Multi Lingual Support

This is a English first design where all logical records are assumed to be in English when first created. Once a record is created any user facing text column (those users see in the user interface) can be translated to any language. For each table English and translated versions of user facing text colums are stored in an axuilliary table whose name is the name of the actual table postfixed with _text (Ex: question and question_text).


  • answer: This table stores all the answers to questions. Each record represents an answer to a question (column question_id) in a survey (column survey_id) by a user (column user_id). Actual answer data can be a choice from question multiple choices (column question_choice_id), a free value field (column value) or a file (column file_id).

  • answer_identifier: This table stores client specific (column type) identifiers (colum identifier) for possible answers to questions (columns question_id, question_choice_id, multiple_index).

  • answer_rule: This table stores conditions (column logic) for survey (column survey_id) questions (column question_id) or sections (column section_id) to be enabled or disabled. Conditions are based on answers to other questions (column answer_question_id). Conditon answers themselves are defined in table answer_rule_value.

  • answer_rule_logic: This table defines possible condition types (column name, exs: equals, exists) that can be used in answer_rule table.

  • answer_rule_value: This table stores answers (columns question_choice_id and value) that are used in rules (column answer_rule_id) in conditional questions.

  • answer_type: This table stores available answer types. Current supported types are text, bool and choice.

  • assessment: This table defines assesments (column name) together with table assesment_survey. Assessment are set of surveys whose answers are tracked over time.

  • assessment_survey: This table stores the surveys (column survey_id) that forms an assessment (column assessment_id).

  • choice_set: This table defines a choice set (column reference) that can be used to for shared choices that can be used in questions.

  • file: This table stores users' (column user_id) answers that are files (columns name and content).

  • filter: This table stores quesion filters.

  • filter_answer: This table stores filter specifics (columns question_id, exclude, question_choice_id, value) for filter (column filter_id).

  • language: Each record in this table represents a supported language. code column is used as the primary key and designed to store two or three character ISO codes. Columns name and native_name can be used for language selection on the client.

  • question: Each record in this table represents a question that is being or can be used in surveys . Questions can be stand alone, can belong to a survey or can belong to multiple surveys. Link to surveys (table survey) is achieved through survey_question table. Question records can be soft deleted but when no other active record in any other table does not reference it. Versioning is supported using columns version and group_id. Version is a number and group_id is the id of the first question in the group. A set of types are supported (column type).

  • question_choice: Each record in this table represents a choice in multiple choice question of types choice, choiceref, choices or open choice. Each record can belong to a specific question (column question_id) or to a choice set that can be shared by multiple questions (column choice_set_id). To support composite questions that can have multiply selectable choices together with free text fields (ex: a list of check boxes with a free text other field), this table also stores type of choice (column type) with currently supported types of bool and text. Actual text of choice is stored in question_choice_text.

  • question_choice_text: This table stores translatable column text which stores question choice texts. language is also column and each record has a value for text in that language. question_choice_id column links each record to question_choice table.

  • question_identifier: This table stores client specific (column type) identifiers (colum identifier) for questions (columns question_id).

  • question_text: This table stores translatable logical question field text in the column with the same name. language is also a column and each record has a value for text in that language. question_id column links each record to question table.

  • question_type: This table stores available question types.

  • section: This stores sections that can be used in surveys to group questions.

  • section_text: This table stores translatable logical section fields text and description in the column with the same name. language is also a column and each record has a value for text in that language. ection_id column links each record to question table.

  • survey: Each record in this table represents a survey. Surveys can be deleted. Versioning is supported using columns version and group_id. Version is a number and group_id is the id of the first survey in the group. Questions in surveys are represented using another table survey_question. Only actual data column is meta which is designed to store client settings.

  • survey_identifier: This table stores client specific (column type) identifiers (colum identifier) for surveys (columns survey_id).

  • survey_question: This table stores questions in particular surveys. Each record represents a question (column question_id) in a survey (column survey_id). Question order is preserved using field line (column line). Questions can also be marked required (column required).

  • survey_section_question: This table stores sections in particular surveys. Each record represents a section (column section_id) in a survey (column survey_id). Section can be under a question (column parent_question_id) or another section (column section_id).

  • survey_section_question: This table stores questions in survey sections. Each record represents a question (column question_id) in a section (column surveys_section_id).

  • survey_status: This defines statuses during answering of surveys,

  • survey_text: This table stores translatable columns name and description. language is also a column and each record has a value for name in that language. survey_id column links each record to survey table.

  • survey_section: Each record in this tables represents a section in a survey. Content of sections are represented as local indices of questions in column indices. The name of the section is stored in section_text table.

  • section_text: This table stores translatable column name which stores section name. language is also a column and each record has a value for name in that language. section_id column links each record to survey_sectionnc table.

  • survey_section: This table links surveys (column survey_id) to sections (column section_id). Order of sections preserved using column line.

  • user_assessment: This stores an instance of an assessment (column assessment_id) for a paricular participant (column user_id).

  • user_assessment_answer: This stores user answers (column answer_id) for a particular assessment (coilumn user_assessment_id).

  • user_audit: This is an audit table for endpoints (column endpoint) that users (column user_id) accessed.

  • user_survey: This table stores status of a survey for a participant. The status can be in-progress or completed.

Record Updates

Except account columns email and password in users table, none of the user facing columns ever overwrite a previous value and a history is always available. There are a few overwriting columns such as meta in survey table. These are mainly used for client level settings and do not contribute to any business logic.

Database migrations

There are no migrations for the project. The DB schema is created by sequelize.model.sync(), triggered at application start and ./seed.js


Deployment to AWS with Packer and Terraform

You will need to install pakcer and terraform installed on your local machine. Be sure to have your postgres host running and replace the survey_service_pg_host value in the command below with the postgres host address. The command in 1. below will allow you to build the AMI with default settings. You may also need to include additional environment variables in ./deploy/roles/api/templates/env.service.j2 before build.

  1. First validate the AMI with a command similar to packer validate \ -var 'aws_access_key=my-aws-access-key' \ -var 'aws_secret_key=my-aws-secret-key' \ -var 'build_env=development' \ -var '' \ -var 'service_name=amida_survey_microservice' \ -var 'ami_name=api-survey-service-boilerplate' \ -var 'node_env=development' \ -var 'jwt_secret=my-0-jwt-8-secret' \ -var '' \ -var 'pg_db=amida_survey' \ -var 'pg_user=amida_survey' \ -var 'pg_passwd=amida_survey' template.json
  2. If the validation from 1. above succeeds, build the image by running the same command but replacing validate with build
  3. In the AWS console you can test the build before deployment. To do this, launch an EC2 instance with the built image and visit the health-check endpoint at <host_address>:4000/api/health-check. Be sure to launch the instance with security groups that allow http access on the app port (currently 4000) and access from Postgres port of the data base. You should see an "OK" response.
  4. Enter aws_access_key and aws_secret_key values in the file
  5. run terraform plan to validate config
  6. run terraform apply to deploy
  7. To get SNS Alarm notifications be sure that you are subscribed to SNS topic arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:844297601570:ops_team_alerts and you have confirmed subscription

Further details can be found in the deploy directory.

Docker deployment

Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

Kubernetes Deployment

See the paper write-up for instructions on how to deploy with Kubernetes. The kubernetes.yml file contains the deployment definition for the project.


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