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Scenario Graph

This library provides a simple graph allowing the user to dynamically generate a scenario using preconfigured choices .

You can try it out and explore the options here : Live demo


With NPM

To add scenarioGraph to your dependencies:

npm install @amine-lejmi/scenariograph
  • Import the css file in your HTML document:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-node_modules/@amine-lejmi/scenariograph/dist/scenarioGraph.styles.css">
  • Import the js module in your main js file:
import Scenario from 'path-to-node_modules/@amine-lejmi/scenariograph/src/scenarioGraph.js';

With CDN

In your main HTML file :

Import the css and js files in the head tag of your html document

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Locally: ES5

Download the scenarioGraph.main.js and scenarioGraph.styles.css located in the dist directory, and import them in the head tag of your html document

Locally: ES6

If you want to integrate the ES6 (non mignified) version of the library :

  • download scenarioGraph.js located in the src directory , and import it in your js file:
import Scenario from './src/scenarioGraph.js';
  • download scenarioGraph.css located in the src directory , and import it in your html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/scenarioGraph.css">


Basic usage

In your main HTML file
  • Create the HTML structure
 <div id="id-of-your-container"> 
In your main JS file
  • Import the library in your main javascript file :
const Scenario = ScenarioGraph.default;
  • Select and put your container in a variable :
mainContainer = document.getElementById("id-of-your-container");
  • Create the object containing your main data :
data = [
            title: "title",
            description: "description",
            _children: [
                    title: "title 2",
                    description: "description 2"
  • Instantiate your graph with your data
 new Scenario(mainContainer, data);


The instantiation of the scenario accepts a third optional parameter, allowing you to customize your graph:

options = {

new Scenario(mainContainer, data, options);
Attribute Type Default Description
storeChanges Boolean false Stores the changes in the localStorage
strokeColor String "bcbdbd" Color of the graph lines, hex color
strokeWidth String "3" The width of the graph lines
cardShadowColor String "0,0,0,0.15" The color of the cards shadow, rgba color without braces
selectedCardBorderColor String "228B22" The border color of the selected cards, hex color
selectedCardBorderWidth String "2" The border width of the selected cards


If you put the instance your created into a variable, you can access some output methods:

 let scenario = new Scenario(mainContainer, data, options);



Allows you to export an array containing the selected scenario

generateScenarioFields(fields: Array) :

Allows you to export only the fields you need from the selected scenario

scenario.generateScenarioFields(["title", "_id"]);
  • If one of the fields doesn't exist in the data object, it will be ignored

  • If the fields array contains only one element, the output will be a simple array containing the values of the field

  • If the fields array contains many elements, the output will be an array of objects.


  • V1.0.0 Initial release



To modify the library and improve it :

  • Clone the project
  • Install npm dependencies (it uses webpack and babel to transpile and minify the files)
  • npm run watch to watch and build changes in css and js files
  • npm run build to build the dist files


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