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This project is also available on gihub

  • Tested on Visual Studio 2015 Community + Windows 10 x64.

There are 4 projects in the visual studio solution

  • Client : WCF client side application (100% complete).
  • Service : An static library that implements restfull api service(100% completle).
  • ServiceRunner : A console application that runs the servece on
  • TestsRunner : A console application that runs the unit tests(100% complete).

Open the project and run TestsRunner for tests. Run the ServiceRunner to start the webservice on You can now run the Client app to interact with the webserver. All webserver routes return json, you can use the browser to call apis as well.

Service uses cpprestsdk:

  • I've implemented all operations via nonblocking pplx::task<T> methods.
  • If you delete /ServiceRunner/users.json file the service will create a new list of dummy users.
  • For unit tests see the TestsRunner porject.

Client uses WCF:

  • User image is take from webcam using opencv and stored in /Client/timestamp.jpg
  • You can change /Clinet/config.json for the application configurations.
  • All screens are implemented (but i've not spent time styling the controlls).

Screenshots of calling Service from browser:

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

Screenshots of Client app:

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