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Beam Planner

This application is written in C# .NET Core and it uses

  • ANTLR4 for lexer and parser of instructions (LL(*) parser)
    • see the BeamLexer.g4 and BeamParser.g4 for the lexer and parser definition
  • Docker to build the console app (Ubuntu+.NET Core SDK+Java for ANTLR)
    • Using Docker was needed because ANTLR uses Java under the hood to analyze the context-free grammar and then it dumps C# code during the build time
    • Also the build in Docker sets necessary environment variable (BUILD_CONFIGURATION) that turns on the compiler optimization
  • Makefile for the runtime and testing
    • Simple Makefile to run/test the sample codes


This problem is NP-Complete (because verification of correctness of the solution does not run in polynomial time) and I used greedy programming to solve this problem. Basically I tried to start with all potential combinations and tried to filter down. Also I prioritized serving the most concentration of users (notice the OrderBy in the code) to avoid holding up the satellite to small subset of users.


  • As the number of users/satellites/interferences increase, the completeness of my solution decrease. This is expected as my solution uses greedy programming (greedy condition: always start with satellite with covered users). The correct solution should use dynamic programming such that it would provide service to maximum number of users.
  • The time complexity of this code is O(users x satellites x interferences)
  • Although my greedy code does not provide perfect solution, but it make it up by being very fast


Make sure you have Docker installed.

# To see the generated result
make test_cases/

# To test the results against python evaluator
make test_cases/00_example.test

# To test all examples
make regression

# To see how long it takes to run each test case
make benchmark

There is a regression.txt file available.


  • There is a config.json file available under /App which can be used to quickly modify the parameters


Some optimizations I did/attempted:

  • used ANTLR which is an state of art lexer/parser used by many application so reading the instructions is fast
  • parallelized the outer loops when there is many level of nested loop by using C# built-in AsParallel()
  • tried to cache the result of calculation of inner angle of three vectors but code rarely encountered duplicate calculation so it did not result in any performance improvement
  • result of Analyzer method is an IEnumerable or an iterator which means as the new result comes out of the function, it gets printed so no list is used to store the result as they are calculated
  • used Rider (C# IDE) memory profiling to analyze which block of code is using too much memory
Testing 00_example (1 seconds)
Testing 01_simplest_possible (1 seconds)
Testing 02_two_users (1 seconds)
Testing 03_five_users (1 seconds)
Testing 04_one_interferer (1 seconds)
Testing 05_equatorial_plane (1 seconds)
Testing 06_partially_fullfillable (1 seconds)
Testing 07_eighteen_planes (1 seconds)
Testing 08_eighteen_planes_northern (2 seconds)
Testing 09_ten_thousand_users (2 seconds)
Testing 10_ten_thousand_users_geo_belt (2 seconds)
Testing 11_one_hundred_thousand_users (15 seconds)

Tested on Ubuntu 21.10 with the following spec:

(main) ✗ lscpu
Architecture:                    x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
CPU(s):                          8
On-line CPU(s) list:             0-7
Thread(s) per core:              2
Core(s) per socket:              4
Socket(s):                       1
NUMA node(s):                    1
Vendor ID:                       GenuineIntel
CPU family:                      6
Model:                           142
Model name:                      Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz

(main) ✗ cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:       16090976 kB