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HBS - Hotel Booking System API

How to start?

=> Execute the below command to install npm pacage dependies:

  • npm i / npm install

=> To Start the Node Server execute the below mentioned command:

  • node app.js

Note: Make sure mongo db server is up and running on your local machine

=> To run the test cases: npm run test

------------------------------------------------ API Routes ------------------------------------------------\

=> GET URL's:

-> /hotel:

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel

Description: API to get list of hotels

Query Params:

filter: Stringify JSON Object to filter documents

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": [{}] }

-> /hotel/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/:id

Description: API to get a specific hotel using Id

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /user:

URI: http://localhost:3000/user

Description: API to get list of users

Query Params:

filter: Stringify JSON Object to filter documents

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": [{}] }

-> /user/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/user/:id

Description: API to get a specific user using Id

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

=> POST URL's:

-> /hotel

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel

Description: API to add a hotel

Query Params: None

Route Param: None

Request Strcture:

"hotel_name" : String, "rooms": [{ "room_number": String }] }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /user

URI: http://localhost:3000/user

Description: API to add a user

Query Params: None

Route Param: None

Request Strcture:

"user_name": String }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /hotel/room/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/room/:id

Description: API to add a room to a hotel

Route Param:

id: String

Request Strcture:

"room_number": String }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /hotel/getAvailableRooms/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/getAvailableRooms/:id

Description: API to get all available rooms in a hotel

Route Param:

id: String

Request Strcture:

"fromDate": Date, "tillDate": Date }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {"id": String, "availableRooms": [String]} }

-> /hotel/bookRoom/:hotelId/:userId

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/bookRoom/:hotelId/:userId

Description: API to book a room in a hotel

Route Param:

hotelId: String,

userId: String

Request Strcture:

"fromDate": Date, "tillDate": Date }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {"room_id": String, "booked_by": String, "from_date": Date, "till_date": Date} }

-> /hotel/bookRoom/:hotelId/:roomId/:useId

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/bookRoom/:hotelId/:roomId/:userId

Description: API to book a room in a specific room in a hotel

Route Param:

hotelId: String,

roomId: String,

userId: String

Request Strcture:

"fromDate": Date, "tillDate": Date }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {"room_id": String, "booked_by": String, "from_date": Date, "till_date": Date} }

=> PUT URL's:

-> /hotel/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/:id

Description: API to update a hotel

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Request Strcture:

"hotel_name" : String, "rooms": [{ "room_number": String, "bookings": [{ "booked_by": String, "from_date": Date, "till_date": Date }] }] }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /user/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/user/:id

Description: API to update a user

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Request Strcture:

"user_name": String, "active_bookings": [{ hotel_id: String, room_id: String, from_date: Date, till_Date: Date }] }

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }


-> /hotel/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/hotel/:id

Description: API to delete a hotel

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }

-> /user/:id

URI: http://localhost:3000/user/:id

Description: API to delete a user

Query Params: None

Route Param:

id: String

Response Strcture:

{ "statusCode": String, "status": String, "message": String, "data": {} }


Hotel Booking System






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