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the carZ (A car part manufacturing website)

Take a look here the carZ.

Site features

  • First of all, This is a full stack project where users can purchase a product and payment.

  • To purchase product first of all, users have to login/create an account through email and password and also using Social network google.

  • And an admin can add new product, manage product, and manage orders.

  • Further, This is a car part manufacturing website where user can purchase a bunch of product, delete and comment and on the other side a admin can add, delete parts and can manage admin and products.

  • Home page:

  • First this site have a Navbar. Here some of menus.

  • Banner section. Here a banner image and some simple text.

  • Parts section. Here simply showing parts as offer that this site offering.

  • Experts section. Here showing company's experts employies.

  • A simple Review Section. Here showing users review or fedback.

  • The Business section. This section is about simple business summary.

  • Contact us section. here showing company addresses and contact info and a button for contact.

  • and a simple footer. here a logo text and some social media icons.

  • purchase page

  • When a user will clickecd purchase button then he will be rediredted and he can order a bunch of products.

  • my order page

  • In the page user can delete or navigate to payment page.

  • payment page

  • in the payment page user can payment used card

  • and he can give a review or feedback and last he/she can edit their profile page

  • Admin

  • a admin can add a product, manage, delete and also can delete unneccesery order those dosen't payment etc.


  • Here describing some of the technologies that are used for this project:

    • Front-end:

    • React app

    • React router

    • Firebae (For user authentication)

    • react firebase hooks

    • react hook form

    • react query

    • tailwind (css framework)

    • flowbite (tailwind library)

    • daisy ui (tailwind library)

    • React hot toast (for showing messages)

    • React stripe (for payment) etc

    • Back-end:

    • nodejs (js runtime)

    • express (nodejs library) etc.

    • express (nodejs library) etc.