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Larasetting Package for Laravel 9+

Larasetting is a simple and efficient package for managing settings in Laravel applications. It provides a convenient way to store and retrieve settings using key-value pairs, ensuring data persistence and organization through a dedicated database table.


  • asy-to-use functions: Larasetting simplifies setting management with two main functions: get_setting() and set_setting().
  • Flexible handling of settings: Retrieve all settings or a specific setting by key. Filter settings based on their active status for specific retrieval.
  • Database-backed persistence: Settings are securely stored in a dedicated database table, ensuring data integrity and persistence across application restarts.


Install the package : Use Composer to install the package:

composer require amirsahra/larasetting

Add the following class to the providers array in config/app.php


And aliases

'Larasetting' => Amirsahra\Larasetting\Facades\Larasetting::class

Publish configuration: Publish the configuration file to customize settings:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Amirsahra\Larasetting\LarasettingServiceProvider"

Customize configuration: Edit the config/larasetting.php file to adjust table name and default status for settings.


This package has a facade and a helper and you can use any one you want. In the following, we will explain both methods

Larasetting provides two primary functions for managing settings:

// facade

// helper

Using helpers functions

Get setting

Below are examples of how to use auxiliary methods to receive settings

/*   Get all setting  */
get_setting(); // Get all values that are active or inactive
get_setting(null, null, true); // Get all values that are active 
get_setting(null, null, false); // Get all values that are inactive

/*   Get by setting key  */
// Get the value of the `key_name` key that is enabled or disabled

// Get the value of the `key_name` key if it is active
get_setting('key_name', null, true); 

// Get the value of the `key_name` key if it is inactive
get_setting('key_name', null, false);

// Gets the value of the key_name key that is active or inactive,
// If it doesn't exist, sets it to these values.
// It is inactive by default
get_setting('key_name', 'default', null); 

Set setting

Below are examples of how to use auxiliary methods to save settings

set_setting(); // If the method is used without parameters, it will give an error

// At least two parameters, key and value, are required to create a setting,
// and its value is_active by default, which is equal to false
set_setting('key_name', 'vlue'); 

// If the key_name value already exists, it acts as an update and the value value is updated.
// It means that our setting will be updated
get_setting('key_name', 'new_value', true); 

Using Facade

Get setting

Below are examples of how to use auxiliary methods to receive settings

/*   Get all setting  */
Larasetting::getSetting(); // Get all values that are active or inactive
Larasetting::getSetting(null, null, true); // Get all values that are active 
Larasetting::getSetting(null, null, false); // Get all values that are inactive

/*   Get by setting key  */
// Get the value of the `key_name` key that is enabled or disabled

// Get the value of the `key_name` key if it is active
Larasetting::getSetting('key_name', null, true); 

// Get the value of the `key_name` key if it is inactive
Larasetting::getSetting('key_name', null, false);

// Gets the value of the key_name key that is active or inactive,
// If it doesn't exist, sets it to these values.
// It is inactive by default
Larasetting::getSetting('key_name', 'default', null); 

Set setting

Below are examples of how to use auxiliary methods to save settings

Larasetting::getSetting(); // If the method is used without parameters, it will give an error

// At least two parameters, key and value, are required to create a setting,
// and its value is_active by default, which is equal to false
Larasetting::getSetting('key_name', 'vlue'); 

// If the key_name value already exists, it acts as an update and the value value is updated.
// It means that our setting will be updated
Larasetting::getSetting('key_name', 'new_value', true); 

Assign the specified value (MySite) to the setting with the key (site_name). If the setting doesn't exist, create it with the provided value.


Here are examples of how to use Larasetting for setting management:

Retrieve all settings

$settings = get_setting();

Retrieve all settings from the database, including their values and active statuses.

Filter settings by active status

$activeSettings = get_setting(null, null, true);

Retrieve all settings that have the active flag set to true.

Create a new setting

set_setting('sms_key', '1234567890');

Create a new setting with the key (sms_key) and value (1234567890).

Update an existing setting

set_setting('site_name', 'NewSiteName');

Update the value of the setting with the key (site_name) to NewSiteName. If the setting doesn't exist, create it with the provided value.

Exceptions Larasetting throws a SettingRecordNotFoundException exception if a setting is not found and no default value is provided.
