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FAQ : Some Important Facts

Amit Gupta edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 1 revision

This section is not simply FAQ but also provides some important facts when using SAML2 protocol.

1. Can I run my xCP App Server on port 8080 for xDA while using 8443 for my SAML2 need

Yes, you can run but you need to add entityBase url details to your This is because, in some scenario the entityID, which is an important construct for SAML2 to work, defaulted to http://<xCPApp HOST>:8000/xcpapp/saml/metadata. Please speak to OpenText support to provide more details.

2. Can I use the Azure SAML2 endpoint as OAuth2 endpoint for my app integration with third party apps using OAuth2

Yes, it is possible to use a common endpoint for SAML2 and OAuth2 in Azure AD. You do need to add/configure callback_url/reply_url/redirect_url on common endpoint using Application Registration portal.

3. Can I use fragmented (with #) callback_url/reply_url/redirect_url for my OAuth2 Grant/Authorise endpoint

No, it is being discarded by Azure while sending OAuth2 Grant Code. Use main page URL instead to handle call-back in xCP. Optionally (this is not recommended) create a HTTP Servlet '/oauth2/SSO' likewise '/saml/SSO' and handle the grant and access token there.