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TypeScript RabbitMQ Consumer Starter is a boilerplate for building RabbitMQ Consumer services using NodeJS and TypeScript.


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TypeScript RabbitMQ Consumer Starter

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

TypeScript RabbitMQ Consumer Starter is a boilerplate for building RabbitMQ Consumer services using NodeJS and TypeScript.

✨ Features

  • Clear Structure with different layers such as consumers, controllers, services, repositories, models, and so on.
  • Dependency Injection done with the nice framework from TypeDI.
  • Simplified Database Query with the ORM TypeORM.
  • Smart Validation thanks to class-validator.
  • Smart Transformation thanks to class-transformer.
  • Smart Concurrent Processing thanks to concurrently.
  • Easy API Testing with included unit testing thanks to Jest.
  • Easy RabbitMQ Integration thanks to @amndns/amqp-ts.

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Good for First Timers

  • Add unit tests for consumer controller.
  • Improve consumer concurrency.

🔬 Project Structure

Name Description
.vscode/ VSCode tasks, launch configuration, and some other settings
dist/ Compiled source files
src/ Source files
src/config/ Environment configurations loaded into the project
src/consumers/common/ Common Consumer controllers, services, repositories, models, middlewares, etc.
src/consumers/**/consumers/ RabbitMQ consumers
src/consumers/**/controllers/ Consumer controller layer
src/consumers/**/models/ TypeORM entity models and Consumer backend models
src/consumers/**/repositories/ Consumer repository/DAO layer
src/consumers/**/services/ Consumer service layer
src/database/factories/ Factory that generates fake entities
src/database/migrations/ Database migration scripts
src/database/seeds/ Seeds to create some data in the database
src/loaders/ Consumer server configuration loader
test/ Tests
test/unit/ Unit tests and their mocks
.env.example Example raw environment configurations
app.ts Consumer server entrypoint - concurrently calls all of the consumer processes
app-consumer.ts [FILENAME] Single consumer entrypoint - the one being called by app.ts

⚙️ Notifications Webhook

The sample consumer provided is designed to be a simple webhook service that sends a sample HTTP POST request notification to The sample consumer and its resources are also designed to be fault-tolerant. The boilerplate declares a RabbitMQ exchange with a main queue and a dead-letter queue.

Queue Exchange Routing Key Description
notifications.queue notifications notifications.key Example main queue - redirects the message to notifications.dead.queue when there's a failure
notifications.dead.queue notifications notifications.dead.key Example dead-letter queue with TTL - redirects the message back to notifications.queue after TTL expiration

🚀 Get Started

This project was created using TypeScript.

Before running any of the yarn commands below, make sure you create a .env file first. You can simply copy the contents of the .env.example into your local .env file. Moreover, make sure you also have the proper local resources running before starting the server (e.g. RabbitMQ, Redis, PostgreSQL).

Below is a guide on the common commands you might use all throughout the development process. In the project directory, you can run:

yarn install

Installs all package dependencies of the app. Make sure you have yarn installed and configured first.

yarn start

Starts the server by transpiling all of the .ts code to .js and then running the dist/app.js entrypoint.

yarn start:watch

Starts the server in watch mode by concurrently transpiling all of the .ts code to .js and running the dist/app.js entrypoint.

yarn lint

Launches the linter against all of the .ts files from the src/ and test/ directory. The project specifically uses ESLint and Prettier as the linter and code formatter, respectively.

yarn test:unit

Launches the test runner in interactive watch mode using Jest. The test is launched against all of the .ts files from the test/ directory.

📑 Logging

Winston is being used as the logger. To log HTTP requests, we use the express middleware morgan. You can check a sample usage of the logger utility.

import { Logger, WinstonLogger } from '@amndns/service-utils/logger';

export class SampleService {
      @Logger(__filename) private log: WinstonLogger,
    ) {}


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TypeScript RabbitMQ Consumer Starter is a boilerplate for building RabbitMQ Consumer services using NodeJS and TypeScript.








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