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Angular Complete Course for Beginners

This repository contains the code and resources for the complete Angular course for beginners, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Angular development. The course covers fundamental TypeScript concepts and dives deep into important Angular topics such as binding, dependency injection, forms, routing, and more.

Course Creator

The course was created by Santosh Yadav. course link:

Course Contents

Below is an overview of the course contents:


  • Introduction to Angular
  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • SPA and Local Setup


  • TypeScript Data Types and Functions
  • Classes and Interface
  • TypeScript decorators and tsconfig file

Angular Installation and Basics

  • Angular Installation and Binding Syntax
  • Built-in Directives
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Adding Bootstrap CSS to App

Lifecycle Hook and Component Communication

  • ngOnInt and Component Communication using Input and Output
  • Change Detection and ngOnChanges
  • ngDoCheck
  • ViewChild, ViewChildren and AfterViewInit
  • Content Projection, AfterContentInit and OnDestroy

Dependency Injection

  • Introduction
  • Resolution Modifiers
  • Value Providers

HttpClient and RxJs

  • Setting Up HttpClientModule
  • HttpService, RxJs observables and http get
  • RxJs Observable and Observer
  • Http Put and Delete
  • Http Request
  • ShareReplay RxJs Operators
  • Async Pipe
  • catchError operator
  • map operator
  • Http Interceptor

Routing Basics

  • Angular Router and default Route
  • Adding Angular material and navigation
  • Wild card, dynamic route and ActivatedRoute service
  • ParamMap and Activate Route Service

Template Driven Forms

  • Introduction
  • Validation
  • Pristine, Dirty State and Reset Form
  • Custom Directives and Custom Validation

Advanced Routing

  • Navigation using Router Service
  • Feature and Routing Module
  • Nested and Child Route
  • Lazy Loading
  • Configure Lazy Loading using CLI
  • Using ProvidedIn Any
  • Router Events
  • Listening to Router Events

Route Guards

  • CanActivate
  • CanActivateChild
  • CanLoad

Reactive Forms

  • Introduction
  • Using Material Controls
  • Nested Form Controls
  • Dynamic Forms
  • Built-in Validators
  • Reset Form
  • Control Level Validation
  • SetValue and PatchValue
  • ValueChanges and UpdateOn
  • map operator with Form
  • Custom Validator

CanDeactivate Guard

  • CanDeactivate Guard and Form

Custom Pipe

  • Custom Pipe

Resolve Guard

  • Resolve Guard

Global Error Handling

  • Error Handling

Testing Basics

  • Introduction
  • First test
  • Testing Component and Service

Deployment and CI/CD

  • Using Netlify for Deployment
  • GitHub Actions to Automate Tasks


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