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Bridges ONVIF events from IP Cameras to MQTT


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Bridges ONVIF events to MQTT topics



Unable to get my camera's object detection to trigger recording, I looked into the ONVIF protocol. Part of this is well defined events for things such as motion detection. In my case, I knew that the camera's 'person' detection was pretty good.

Once I knew there were events, obviously the next thing was to bridge these to MQTT/Node-Red etc.

Note, this is running on my own systems and doing what it needs to. There are a few rough edges - so treat this as BETA rather than a PRODUCT


This would have been impossible with the onvif repo


  1. Need a camera that supports the ONVIF protocol
    • all the heavy lifting for the camera is done by the ONVIF module
  2. MQTT server setup accessible
  3. Server to run this bridge on


For this you need the IP address and username/password. These are passed to the ONVIF module. I have included a retry loop; quite often what the camera sends back isn't parsed correctly.

MQTT Server

Hostname/port along with any credentials you need.

Running - CLI based

Set all the properties needed as environment variables; easy way to do this is to create a .env file like this.


The last two are the retry loop controls; the default values are to retry a further 5 times after the initiala attempt. Waiting 1000ms between attempts.

Set the environment with this command; it will ignore the lines starting '#'

export $(grep -v '^#'  .env | xargs)

Install the onvif-mqtt, probably best to install globally.

npm install -g @ampretia/onvif-mqtt

This will run in the foreground, and produce output like this

                    _ ____                            __  __
  ____  ____ _   __(_) __/           ____ ___  ____ _/ /_/ /_
 / __ \/ __ \ | / / / /_   ______   / __ `__ \/ __ `/ __/ __/
/ /_/ / / / / |/ / / __/  /_____/  / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /_
\____/_/ /_/|___/_/_/             /_/ /_/ /_/\__, /\__/\__/

[1657454096574] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): onvif-mqtt  v0.0.12
[1657454096643] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): Connect to MQTT
[1657454096644] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): Creating new Cam - retry left:5
[1657454096750] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): Connected to Camera
[1657454096780] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1):
    manufacturer: "A_ONVIF_CAMERA"
    model: "YMF50B_NM223N_AF"
    firmwareVersion: "V3.0.6.3 build 2021-11-17 18:10:12 \n"
    serialNumber: "EF00000000B83D56"
    hardwareId: "1419d68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-F00000B83D56"
[1657454096803] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): Camera Time is Sun Jan 07 2018 12:54:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[1657454096835] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): {"analytics":{"XAddr":"","ruleSupport":true,"analyticsModuleSupport":true},"device":{"XAddr":"","network":{"IPFilter":false,"zeroConfiguration":false,"IPVersion6":false,"dynDNS":false,"extension":{"dot11Configuration":false}},"system":{"discoveryResolve":false,"discoveryBye":false,"remoteDiscovery":false,"systemBackup":false,"systemLogging":true,"firmwareUpgrade":true,"supportedVersions":{"major":17,"minor":6},"extension":{"httpFirmwareUpgrade":true,"httpSystemBackup":false,"httpSystemLogging":true,"httpSupportInformation":true}},"IO":{"inputConnectors":1,"relayOutputs":1},"security":{"TLS1.1":false,"TLS1.2":false,"onboardKeyGeneration":false,"accessPolicyConfig":false,"X.509Token":false,"SAMLToken":false,"kerberosToken":false,"RELToken":false}},"events":{"XAddr":"","WSSubscriptionPolicySupport":true,"WSPullPointSupport":true,"WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport":true},"imaging":{"XAddr":""},"media":{"XAddr":"","streamingCapabilities":{"RTPMulticast":true,"RTP_TCP":true,"RTP_RTSP_TCP":true}},"PTZ":{"XAddr":""},"extension":{"hikCapabilities":{"XAddr":"","IOInputSupport":true},"deviceIO":{"XAddr":"","videoSources":1,"videoOutputs":0,"audioSources":1,"audioOutputs":1,"relayOutputs":1},"extensions":{"telexCapabilities":{"XAddr":"","timeOSDSupport":true,"titleOSDSupport":true,"PTZ3DZoomSupport":true,"PTZAuxSwitchSupport":true,"motionDetectorSupport":true,"tamperDetectorSupport":true}},"hbCapabilities":{"XAddr":"","H265Support":true,"privacyMaskSupport":true,"cameraNum":1,"maxMaskAreaNum":4}}}
[1657454096835] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): Event handler added
[1657454096835] INFO (7 on 27d05aaea9f1): System configured and running

Running as Docker container

The docker container is built for amd64 armv7 and arm64 (so should cover the RaspberryPI, Odroid C4, and other ARM based SBCs etc. ) Create a local .env file with the settings for your camera, and mqtt broker

docker run -rm -t --env-file .env

And that's it

Contributing and Building

Please do; see here