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Login :

This service is written on Golang. So Run the following command as a user with sudo privileges to download and extract the Go binary archive in the /usr/local directory:

  # apt update
  # wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
  # apt install goalng -y

Create a user for running the application

  # useradd -m -s /bin/bash todoapp
  # cd /home/todoapp/

Verify the installationby simply runningthe command go version.

  # go version 

The output should look something like this:

go version go1.14.2 linux/amd64

By adding the location of the Go directory to the $PATH environment variable, the system will know where to find the Go executable binaries.

This can be done by appending the following line either to the /etc/profile file (for a system-wide installation) or the $HOME/.profile file (for a current user installation):

  # ~/.profile
  # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Save the file, and load the new PATH environment variable into the current shell session:

  # source ~/.profile

By default, the GOPATH variable, which specifies the location of the workspace is set to $HOME/go. To create the workspace directory type:

  # mkdir ~/go
  # cd ~/go

Inside the workspace create a new directory /src

  # mkdir src && cd src

Lets clone the code from github repository

  # git clone

  # cd login/

Navigate** to the ~/go/src/login/login directory and run go build to build the program:

  # apt install go-dep
  # go get
  # go build

Finally start the Login Module once to effect the changes by the below cammand.

  # mv /root/go/src/login/systemd.service /etc/systemd/system/login.service   
  # systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start login && systemctl enable login 

;) ;) ;)

RELEASE 0.0.1 -DATE - 03-06-2021

RELEASE 0.0.2 -DATE - 04-06-2021

RELEASE 0.0.3 -DATE - 09-06-2021

RELEASE 0.0.4 -DATE - 09-06-2021


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