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Adam edited this page Oct 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Bioshare wiki!

What is Bioshare?

Bioshare is a web application designed by the UC Davis Bioinformatics Core to facilitate sharing large datasets with clients. While the "big data" that Bioshare was made to share consists of large biological datasets, it is a much more general tool, and is suited to share data of any size.

Why use Bioshare?

Big data

Sharing large amounts of data sometimes requires different tools. While some data can be easily transferred using a web browser, transferring thousands of files or very large files may not work so well. In these cases, Bioshare allows the use of rsync for data transfer, or even SFTP for downloading. In cases where files aren't that large or numerous, users can still use the friendly web interface for previewing or transferring files back and forth.

Ease of sharing

It is easy to share data with anyone using Bioshare. All you need is an email address. Simply add an email address for a "Share" along with the desired level of permissions and the owner of the email address will be emailed a link to the Share. If they do not yet have an account, one will be created for them.

User friendly UI

Tools like rsync are great, but not everyone is comfortable on the command line. Bioshare offers user friendly interfaces for searching/viewing their shares, uploading/downloading/previewing data, and sharing with colleagues.


It can be difficult to manage individual access to numerous different datasets. Bioshare acts as a gateway for authenticating and authorizing users across all supported protocols.

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