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Helper lib for validating (form) data in SvelteKit


npm install io-ts



First, create your models. This is an example from the io-ts docs. Check out the io-ts docs for more info.

import * as T from 'io-ts';
import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/PathReporter';

// This is an example from the io-ts docs.
interface PositiveBrand {
	readonly Positive: unique symbol;

const Positive = t.brand(
	t.number, // a codec representing the type to be refined
	(n): n is t.Branded<number, PositiveBrand> => 0 < n, // a custom type guard using the build-in helper `Branded`
	'Positive' // the name must match the readonly field in the brand
type Positive = t.TypeOf<typeof Positive>;
const SomeInputCodec = T.type({
	delay: Positive
type SomeInput = T.TypeOf<typeof SomeInputCodec>;


In short, all you need to do is to pass whatever it is you need validated, along with the Codec to the validateForm function.

import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { validateForm } from '$lib/server';
import SomeInputCodec from '$lib/models/some-input';

const result = validateForm(SomeInputCodec)(event);
//		^-- result is of type Either<Errors, SomeInput>
if (result._tag === 'Left') return fail(400);

// due to the type guard above, result.right is of type SomeInput

Longer validation example


First, include the parsed form data in the event.locals object. sk-form-data does this for you, but you need to include it in the hooks.

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { form_data } from 'sk-form-data';

export const handle = sequence(form_data);

Then, make your form markup. Check the naming conventions used by parse-form-data to see how to name your inputs. For numbers, prefix it with a + sign.

<form method="POST" use:enhance>
	<label for="delay">Delay</label> <input type="number" name="+delay" />ms
// src/routes/+page.server.ts
import { validateForm } from '$lib/server';
import type { Actions, PageServerLoad } from './$types';
import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const actions = {
	default: async (event) => {
		const result = validateForm(SomeInputCodec)(event);
		// alternatively, if you're not using the `form_data` hook provided by `sk-form-data`
		// const result = validateForm(SomeInputCodec)(event.locals.form_data);

		if (result._tag === 'Left') {
			const errors =;
			return fail(400, { errors });

		// result.right is of type SomeInput
		// by this point, `delay` is guaranteed to
		// 1. exist, thanks to the other helper libs
		// 2. be a positive number, thanks to io-ts
		return { delay: result.right.delay };
} satisfies Actions;