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Amy X. Zhang 11/20/2022

AXE: (A)pproximate (X)Cross-validated (E)stimates for Bayesian hierarchical regression models

This R package provides code and data to reproduce all examples from the paper

Zhang, A. X., Bao, L., & Daniels, M. J. (2020). Approximate Cross-validated Mean Estimates for Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14238.

The paper presents a novel method for approximating $E[Y_j | Y_{-j}]$, the cross-validated posterior mean for vector of test data $Y_j$ given the vector of training data $Y_{-j}$. The method applies to any CV scheme; we compared AXE specifically to existing CV approximations methods under the challenging leave-a-cluster-out CV scheme. In general, we have found that AXE improves upon existing LCO-CV methods in accuracy and is typically an order of magnitude faster.

Figure 2 from paper Figure 2 from the paper gives point-by-point comparisons of ground truth manual cross-validation (x-axis) against AXE approximations (panel A, y-axis). Point-by-point comparisons for other LCO methods integrated importance sampling (iIS) and ghosting (GHOST) are also included. (Other methdos are omitted to preserve the scale of the axes; results summarized in Figure 1 of paper.)

Code description

The code contains the following directories:

  • R: Contains all code to fit models, run manual cross-validation, AXE, iIS, GHOST, and VEHTARI. Also contains code helpers functions to format results for the paper, as well as helper functions to save posterior fits (for use in Python).
  • python: Contains code to fit IJ and NS methods, as well as IJ and NS results.
  • pretrained: Contains files with posterior fit data, for the purpose of using in the Python code.
  • data-raw: Contains data in raw format, as well as scripts used to prepare data.
  • data: Contains all datasets and paper results.
  • stan: Contains all STAN model code.

The following scripts are also included:

  • pretrained_models.R: Fits models to each dataset and saves posterior information in pretrained directory.
  • run_examples.R: Runs all paper examples.
  • paper_output.R: Uses data in data directory to get paper figures and tables.

To use, from within the project directory, load/source the appropriate files, i.e. in R do:

for (file in list.files("R")) {
   source(file.path("R", file))
}  # imports all functions for re-running MCV, AXE, or other LCO approximations

for (obj in list.files("data")) {
   load(file.path("data", obj))
} # loads pre-obtained MCV, AXE, and LCO values

The main functions in R folder are:

  • prep_*(): Creates a list with data for each example

    • prep_eight(): Eight schools (LMM)

    • prep_radon_full(): Radon (LMM)

    • prep_radon_simul(): Radon subsets (LMM)

    • prep_lol(): Esports players (GLMM)

    • prep_slc(): Scottish lip cancer (GLMM, CAR)

    • prep_air(): Scottish respiratory disease (GLMM, spatio-temporal CAR)

  • pfit_*(): Fits model to full data and produces LCO approximations, based on posterior samples, for iIS, Vehtari, and GHOST methods.

  • axe_*(): Uses co/variance posterior means to produce AXE estimates.

  • mcv_*(): Runs manual cross-validation and saves $E[Y_j | Y_{-j}]$.

Example results are obtained by calling the above functions for each example in turn, e.g. the Eight schools results are generated using the following code:

eight <- prep_eight() 
eight$cv_yhats  <- mcv_eight() 
eight$posteriors <- pfit_eight() 
eight$axe_yhats <- axe_eight() 

The object eight is available in the package, listed in the data folder. Each of the paper’s examples is saved in data under the following names:

  • eight: Eight schools

  • radon_1: Radon

  • radon_2: Radon subsets

  • lol: Esports players

  • slc: Scottish lip cancer

  • air: Scottish respiratory disease


Source code and data for examples in "Approximate cross-validated mean estimates for Bayesian hierarchical regression models"



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