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ENVS 193DS Spring 2023 week 6 coding workshop

Since the midterm is due on Thursday, this coding workshop focuses on niche but potentially useful skills to have. By the end, you'll be able to:

  • use color palette packages in R (examples include {NatParksPalettes} and {wesanderson})
  • make an interactive plot using {plotly}
  • insert images into ggplot objects using {magick}
  • do some more advanced data cleaning using functions from {stringr} and {forcats} (both {tidyverse} packages)
  • organize your Quarto/RMarkdown documents to better understand how they render/knit (useful for troubleshooting errors!)
  • set up a repository with GitHub pages

Required packages

This workshop is going to be more fun if you have the following packages installed:

Things you should already have

  • {tidyverse}
  • {here}
  • {naniar} (or equivalent)

Things that you don't have to have but would make this more fun for you:

New or new-ish functions

Not an exhaustive list!

  • lubridate::year() (in {tidyverse})
  • lubridate::month() (also in {tidyverse})
  • forcats::fct_relevel() (also in {tidyverse})
  • stringr::str_detect() (also in {tidyverse})
  • paste/paste0
  • skimr::skim()

Rendered output

In this workshop, we'll talk about how to use GitHub pages. The rendered output is here.

When using GitHub pages, the URL for any rendered/knitted output is "your github"/ "repository name"/"file path". So, for example, the url for the rendered output (linked above) is:

Data sources

The gray whale count data is from the Environmental Data Initiative's data portal. Source: SBC Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, M. Smith, and L. Kui. 2020. Santa Barbara Channel Marine BON: Gray Whales Count ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2023-05-10).

The gray whale count happens every year off of Coal Oil Point! Read more about those efforts here.

Image sources

The object whale_image1 comes from NOAA Fisheries. The object whale_image2 is read in using magick::image_read() from this URL (current as of 2023-05-09).


ENVS 193DS Spring 2023 week 6 coding workshop






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