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FAFsite Contribution Guidelines

ana-balica edited this page Jan 29, 2013 · 1 revision

The workflow of this project will be described via a git branching model. And it is a simple one.

The master branch is the branch that goes into production. The development branch contains the unreleased stable code base.

To the contributors that have direct access

Also for every new big feature a new topic branch should be created from development branch. Push the topic branch to origin. After everything works fine, the topic branch will be merged to development.

For our dear contributors who will be forking the repo, please always create a topic branch in your fork for your future pull request.

How to get involved?

  1. Get a github account
  2. Learn git basics
  3. Fork the project
  4. Follow the steps in the README and install everything to successfully run the project
  5. Create a new topic branch for your future commits
  6. Push the branch to the remote
  7. Submit a pull request
  8. Your pull request will be reviewed by one of the main contributors

Useful references:

Github help - using pull request

How to GitHub: Fork, Branch, Track, Squash and Pull Request Article

Issues page

Here anybody can report a bug or tell about an idea he has. It is important to use labels with caution and to not flood or repeat the existing labels (i.e. frontend and front-end).

This is the list of main labels:

  • bug - please insert a report that will include the description of the bug, dependencies and how to reproduce it.
  • back-end - new features, improvements, proposals regarding the back-end
  • front-end - new features, improvements, proposals regarding the front-end
  • content - grammar and syntax mistakes, text enhancements, SEO proposals
  • suggestion - ideas of new features, improvements, wannahaves

New labels will be added depending on the needs.


  1. Be nice
  2. Be active
  3. Involve