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Share expenses, make it fair

Anacounts is a free and open-source application meant to easen the burden of sharing expenses. It allows to split the bill via different means, to make it more fair.


The application is currently available at

It is currently hosted using


When contributing to this repository, the changes are applied immediately when merged to master. The app is on rolling release, which I find the most simple way of handling release for now.

You should be able to roll your own replica fairly easily. The application was made in order to be as easy to replicate and as configurable as possible. It does not enforce you to use the same host as I do. You will most likely need some changes in the config files though, so you should consider forking the repository.

The infrastructure is handled partly manually on Fly, and partly via Terraform. The configuration files can be found in the terraform directory, as well as a guide to roll your version of Anacounts.


All contributions are welcome, whether code, reviews, testing or anything really! The project is too young to have a code of conduct or contributing guidelines. Just know that I can be pretty picky on reviews - you've been warned 😄

Getting started


The project runs on Elixir/Phoenix, and a little NodeJS for packaging. You should consider installing the required tools through asdf. Once asdf is ready, run asdf install whilst in the project, and let it install everything you need to run the project.

$ asdf install


Once the Elixir language, Erlang VM, and NodeJS are installed, you will need to fetch the dependencies of the project. There are no NodeJS dependencies (so long node_modules), so all you have to do is run mix deps.get. If you haven't installed it already, this command will prompt you to install "Hex" (and maybe "rebar3"), which you should do.

$ mix deps.get

The dependencies were fetched and will be compiled when starting the project for the first time. That's almost it! The last thing we need is a database - could become handy right?


The app uses PostgreSQL as dbms. For local development, I personally favour using a Docker container over actually installing PostgreSQL on my machine - it's easier to get rid of.

Here is the minimal command you can use to create a Postgres container.

$ docker run \
    --name anacounts-postgres \
    --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
    --publish 5432:5432 \
    --detach \

If you don't use Docker to create your database, know that all you need for dev and test environments is a database hosted on localhost, which username and password is "postgres". The database will automatically be created later by Ecto - the library handling the database.

Once the database is up-and-running, we can actually create the Postgres databases. To do that, run the command mix ecto.setup from the apps/app directory. This will create an "anacounts_dev" database and run the migrations.

$ cd apps/app
$ mix ecto.setup

Run the app

The development environment is ready for Anacounts to start! Go back to the root directory, and launch the application with mix phx.server. You can now go to http://localhost:4000 and find your version of Anacounts 🥳

Note that in dev mode, the emails are not actually sent, they are displayed in an internal mailbox available at /internal/mailbox.