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Android Project


This project tries to follow the Hexagonal architecture (introduced by Alistair Cockburn here) and Domain Driven Design Approach (introduced by Eric Evans in the "blue book") even if the project is a little bit simple for that it was interesting.

Here the Domain is the Library of Harry Pottier, to me if I understood well there is two bounded contexts

  • The library and then domain (the book itself and how to retrieve them) / infrastructure (all the android stuff and the adapters like Retrofit)
  • The supporting one which is totally Generic (I assume that this one is not really DDD as abstractions are prohibited)

Moreover the supportingboundedcontext is only a technical layer that provides everything necessary to build an app with a list and a detailed view. This layer is totally abstracted from the Book domain and is fully reusable. It could be an external library.

Tackle the absence of DI

A choice has been made that as I didn't wanted to spend time on adding a dependency injection framework and as I am allergic to static call I decided to make my Processors services parcelable in order to give it to fragments.

Make a service parcelable has no sense as it is not a data structure but a service, a function.