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This section is only for developers and advanced users.

When submitting code or running tests, there are a few ways things are done in pyadi-iio.


To make repetitve tasks easier, pyadi-iio utilizes pyinvoke. To see the available options (once pyinvoke is installed) run:

invoke --list
Available tasks:

  build           Build python package
  builddoc        Build sphinx doc
  changelog       Print changelog from last release
  checkparts      Check for missing parts in
  createrelease   Create GitHub release
  libiiopath      Search for libiio python bindings
  precommit       Run precommit checks
  setup           Install required python packages for development through pip
  test            Run pytest tests


pre-commit is heavily relied on for keeping code in order and for eliminating certain bugs. Be sure to run these checks before submitting code. This can be run through pyinvoke or directly from the repo root as:

invoke precommit
pre-commit run --all-files


Testing pyadi-iio requires hardware, but fortunately by default it assumes no hardware is connected unless found. It will only load specific tests for hardware it can find and skip all other tests. pytest, which is the framework pyadi-iio uses, can be call as following:

invoke test
python3 -m pytest <add more arguments as needed>

Test Configuration

There are several advanced features of pytest that are utilized by pyadi-iio. Specifically custom markers and custom plugins.

Markers are a way of labeling tests, which can be then used to filter specific tests. Markers are provided through the file in the test directory. These markers are used to map FPGA based boards with daughtercards to specific tests. Reference design folder names from the ADI SD cards are using as the markers, which them can be passed through the -m flag to enabled certain tests. For example, the following would enable all tests related to ADRV9009, assuming the hardware is available:

python3 -m pytest -m zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-adrv9009

To help manage libiio contexts, filter tests based on those contexts, and map drivers to board definitions, pyadi-iio utilizes the pytest plugin pytest-libiio. This must be installed before tests are run since all test implementations rely on pytest-libiio fixtures. Generally, pyadi-iio will also use the standard hardware map provided by pytest-libiio to map drivers to board definitions. To enable the hardware make requires the --adi-hw-map flag as:

python3 -m pytest --adi-hw-map

If you are working on a driver or board that is not in the hardware map, a custom one can be created as documentation in the pytest-libiio CLI.

New Hardware Requirements

In order to maintain pyadi-iio, for all new drivers the development team will require emulation contexts to be submitted alongside the new class interfaces. This is to ensure that the new drivers are tested and maintained. Emulation contexts can be created using xml_gen. CI will automatically validate that all hardware interfaces have emulation contexts and prevent merging if they are missing.


Note that xml_gen is not the same as iio_genxml, as iio_genxml does not capture default values of properties required for emulation.

Test Functions and Fixtures

pyadi-iio has a large set of parameterizable fixtures for testing different device specific class interfaces. See the links belows to the different test categories:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4


Set Up Isolated Environment

This section will discuss a method to do isolated development with the correct package versions. The main purpose here is to eliminate any discrepancies that can arise (especially with the linting tools) when running precommit and other checks. This is also useful to not pollute your local global packages. The approach here relies upon leveraging pyenv and pipenv together.

Install pyenv

pyenv is a handy tool for installing different and isolated versions of python on your system. Since distributions can ship with rather random versions of python, pyenv can help us install exactly the versions we want. The quick way to install pyenv is with their bash script:

curl | bash

Add to your path and shell startup script (.bashrc, .zshrc, ...)

export PATH="/home/<username>/.pyenv/bin:$PATH
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Install the desired python version

pyenv install 3.6.9

Create isolated install with pipenv

Get the repo, set python version, and setup env

pip3 install -U pipenv
pyenv local 3.6.9
git clone
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
pipenv install -r requirements_dev.txt

Now at this point we have all the necessary development packages to start working. If you close the current shell you will lose the environment. To return to it, go to the project folder and run:

cd <project folder>
pyenv local 3.6.9
pipenv shell


By leveraging iio-emu, hardware or contexts can be emulated for testing without physical devices. However, currently this emulation does not validate attribute rates, states of drivers, or equivalent data sources. This feature should be used to test a library itself rather than hardware drivers.

pyadi-iio uses iio-emu through pytest-libiio, which handles loading the correct context files based on the fixtures used for each test. Essentially, when pytest is run, based on the fixture below, pytest-libiio will spawn the correct context with iio-emu and pass the URI of that context to the test.

import pytest
import iio

@pytest.mark.iio_hardware("pluto", False)  # Set True disables test during emulation
def test_libiio_device(iio_uri):
    ctx = iio.Context(iio_uri)

To create and add more context files for testing with pyadi-iio follow this page.