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Asynchronous PostgREST client for Python. This library provides an ORM interface to PostgREST.

Fork of the supabase community Postgrest Client library for Python.


Getting Started

Before running any queries, you need to initialize the client:

from pgrest import Client

client = Client("http://localhost:3000")  # pass in your postgrest API url
client.auth("bearer token")  # pass in your API bearer token

You can insert new rows...

await client.from_("countries").insert({ "name": "Việt Nam", "capital": "Hà Nội" }).execute()

or bulk insert multiple rows in a single query:

rows = [{"name": "India", "capital": "New Delhi"}, {"name": "Japan", "capital": "Tokyo"}]
await client.from_("countries").insert_many(rows).execute()

Read rows

r = await client.from_("countries").select("id", "name").execute()
countries = r[0]

Or run more complicated filters for your queries!

from pgrest import Column
# you can merge multiple conditions with AND/OR clauses
# | means OR, & means AND
r = await client.from_("countries")
    .where((Column("population") >= 10_000_000) & (Column("population") <= 20_000_000) | (Column("name").ilike("%stan")))
# this query fetches all countries whose population is between 10 million and 20 million, or whose name ends in `stan`


  • upsert methods
  • AND/OR filtering (v0.7.0)
  • allow users to pass response models?
  • add configuration parameter to text-search functions