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Umbra Social Distancing

The Problem

  • We have lost thousands of lives in few months In our country and hundreds of thousands in the world due to covid19 pandemic.
  • Precaution to avoid this situation - According to the study the social distancing is one of the way to reduce the spreading of covid19 pandemic and if this would have been followed properly, we could have saved thousands of lives of our fellow human beings.
  • On average, the risk of getting infected when remaining 1 meter (a little more than 3 ft) from an infected person is about 3%, while staying less than 1 meter apart upped the risk to 13%. The further people stand away from one another, the lower their risk. In fact, the risk drops by half for every additional meter of distancing up to 3 meters (about 10 ft).

Umbra Social Distancing is the Solution

The motto of umbra is Safe Distancing Simplified.

Umbra-Social-Distancing is an open-source AI-enabled platform that serves as a one-stop enabler to enable people to follow social distancing norms while trying to avail the essential services.

For users, Umbra-Social-Distancing is an extremely easy-to-use Safe Queuing Mechanism which helps users to maintain proper safe distance in a queue.

  • Umbra is the next generation e-commerce platform that takes care of safety of consumers during these times of pandemic.

  • Umbra can be used at malls, offices, libraries etc. where ever we see people coming together.

  • Umbra has a chatbot feature to answer all covid related queries

  • Umbra platform allows users to shop for essential commodities and get a Safe Queue Tag which can be used at malls, movies etc.

  • The platform gives latest news on Covid and always keeps the users updated.

  • The administration can see if people are maintaining safety norms using the user friendly dashboard.

  • The AI enabled platform gives a certificate of entry if users are having proper safety measures.

  • The admin can see the number of users who were admitted and rejected based on the AI platform. It can be used to get a lot of insights.

  • The AI enabled social distancing app can show the number of social distancing violations done by users at a particular time.

  • The Bluetooth based social distancing alert will warn users whenever a person comes nearby based on the internsity of Bluetooth signals.

Umbra Social Distancing - Business Model

  • Community Help : Every person who is going out for work , shopping , social cause , front line works for Covid-19 will be benefited by this application

  • Ease of Use : Very user friendly application which can be used by all the people from different age range very easily

  • Quick Set-up : Can be easily integrated with existing CCTV cameras , no additional hardware needed for set-up

  • Customised Dashboards : Dashboards can be customised based on the clients need which will help for better analysis of data and situation

  • The client doesn't have to spend extra money on any hardware. We support IOS & Android devices

  • Platform and not Product : Beauty of UMBRA , it’s not a product ,it’s a platform which can be integrated with any system/application

Umbra Social Distancing - Architecture Diagram

We have orchestrated a lot of solutions together in this app.

Here's what the architecture looks like:

Umbra Social Distancing - IBM Services: IBM Cloud at heart

We have integrated a lot of IBM services together to bring the product to life.

  • IBM Cloud Functions : The Functions-as-a-service (FaaS) is used to fetch details from IBM Discovery Service and fetch top 3 news related to Covid.

  • Cloudant : We store all the user's data and product catalog in IBM Cloudant.

  • IBM Watson Assisstant : We trained a watson based Chatbot Assisstant to help users with answers to covid queries.

  • IBM Cloud Object Storage : The training and test data set of images for Visual Recognition is saved here.

  • IBM Discovery Service : The Discovery service is used to scrape latest news on covid and refine data remove stop words.

  • IBM Watson Visual recognition : The platform is used to check if a person is wearing proper mask using Deep Learning.

  • Push notification : We use this service to send push notifications to user for all detail.

Umbra Social Distancing - Application Links

Admin Dashboard :

API Documentation :

Client APP :

Umbra Social Distancing - Demo

Watch the video

Umbra Social Distancing - Roadmap

Here's what the roadmap looks like:

Umbra Social Distancing - Future Scope

  • Feedback learning for ML model

  • Support for wider range of Bluetooth Devices

  • Analytics on the infection pattern based on data available from our users

  • IOT integration for checking number of violations in social distancing

  • One Click Report on Sales and Business co-related to covid-19

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