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Demonstration of CI setup for Android projects

Build and test pipelines Build Status

This is a demonstration of how to setup CI for Android projects. In this repository, we have a simple counter application built with Jetpack Compose. We aim to automate the build & instrumented testing on every push/merge to main branch.

The TestApp

This is how the app looks like:

Screenshot of the app
Screenshot of the app

In this project, we have unit tests CounterStateTest for testing the CounterState class, the stateholder of the application with increment() and decrement() mutating methods. Also we have instrumented tests CounterAppTest to validate the application UI will interact properly with CounterState state class.

Unit test execution in Android Studio
Unit test execution in Android Studio
Instrumented test execution in Android Studio
Instrumented test execution in Android Studio

Instrumented tests with Gradle managed devices

Gradle makes us easier to quickly spin up emulated devices with the required specifications. In the app/build.gradle.kts, we provide the specification of a medium sized phone and tablet. Also we create a device group with both devices included:

testOptions {
    managedDevices {
        localDevices {
            create("mediumPhoneApi34AospAtd") {
                device = "Medium Phone"
                apiLevel = 34
                systemImageSource = "aosp-atd"
            create("mediumTabletApi34AospAtd") {
                device = "Medium Tablet"
                apiLevel = 34
                systemImageSource = "aosp-atd"
        groups {
            create("mediumPhoneAndTabletApi34AospAtd") {

This gives us a Gradle task :app:mediumPhoneAndTabletApi34AospAtdGroupDebugAndroidTest which builds the project, spins up the emulator instances with aosp-atd image (a light-weight image specifically for instrumentation testing) for both medium sized phone and tablet, executes the test cases and generate reports.

Test automation workflow

For automating build generation and test execution, we use a pre-built Android SDK toolchain container image anandbose16/android-sdk (GitHub) to minimise the setup time and simplifying the configuration. The container image meets the requirements for basic Android development environment such as Android SDK toolchain, Gradle, OpenJDK, emulator and basic command-line utilities for post tasks.

The ideal workflow:

  1. Use the container image anandbose16/android-sdk:34
  2. Checkout code
  3. Generate build with :app:assembleDebug task
  4. Execute lint with :app:lintDebug task
  5. Execute unit tests with :app:testDebugUnitTest task
  6. Execute instrumented tests with :app:mediumPhoneAndTabletApi34AospAtdGroupDebugAndroidTest task
  7. Upload the APK file and the test reports to artifacts storage.

Note: The implementation of the workflow is different on each platform, and platform implied limitations will apply.

Platform Repo Configuration Supports Build Supports Lint Supports Unit Tests Support Instrumented Tests
GitHub Repo .github/workflows/main.yml
GitLab Repo .gitlab-ci.yml [1]
BitBucket Repo bitbucket-pipelines.yml [2]
Azure DevOps Repo azure-pipelines.yml [3]

[1][2] Running emulators in GitLab and BitBucket pipelines are not supported due to lack of KVM hypervisor.
[3] Running emulators in Azure is not supported due to lack of KVM hypervisor support. However, Azure provides a task AppCenterTest@1 requires paid subscription in VS AppCenter.

Feel free to send comments, suggestions, issues and pull requests!


A demo of how to setup CI for Android projects with a pre-built Android toolchain container image






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