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Build Harmony music App by yourself

anandnet edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Easy Method (Using Git Action)

  • Fork this respository build HM
  • Go to Actions Tab
  • You will find following workflows
    • Build all app at once
    • Build Android apk
    • Build linux deb
    • Build Windows exe
  • Choose whatever you want to build
  • Click "Run workflow" and let it be completed (you can also check building logs by clicking on running workflow)
  • Once completed open workflow logs and find required app bin in Artifacts section.

(Note: For android if you have already installed app with same version that may causes conflict in package while installing. so, app will not be installed/updated in that case)

Manual Method

  • Install flutter in your machine , check here for installation instruction according to your requirement
  • Open your terminal/cmd and clone Harmony music repository git clone
  • Go to Harmony music dir cd Harmony-Music

For Android apk

  • Run following command
flutter clean
flutter build apk --split-per-abi --release

Apk will be found at Harmony-Music/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/

For Windows exe

echo "const updateCheckFlag = true;" > update_check_flag_file.dart
dart pub global activate flutter_distributor
flutter_distributor package --platform windows --targets exe

Exe will be found at Harmony-Music/dist/

For linux

  • Run following command
sudo apt-get install libmpv-dev mpv libayatana-appindicator3-dev ninja-build libgtk-3-dev
dart pub global activate flutter_distributor
flutter_distributor package --platform linux --targets deb

deb file will be found at Harmony-Music/dist/

To enable update check run echo "const updateCheckFlag = true;" > update_check_flag_file.dart in terminal/cmd or manually edit file Harmony-Music\lib\utils\update_check_flag_file.dart and set updateCheckFlag to true

To update localization file run dart localization/generator.dart