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This list consist of almost all commands of MS-DOS command prompt

you can learn using Command prompt using this page website.

- written by : ANAND PRABHAKAR

Note: some commands like echo and writing files are missing in here but are available in last video lessons..

SEE HERE The website..

see the blog for this repository

on blog i have put all videos in ordered way


      cd - to show current directory
      cd foldername - to move to the foldername
      cd.. - to move up level of folder
      dir - to show all files of current directory
      mkdir foldername - to create folder named foldername
      NUL > filename.extension - to craete a file
      cd. > filename.extension - to create a file
      cd > filename.extension - to create a file
      echo your file > filename.extension - to create a file
      out >filename.extension
      dir *.txt - to show all files with ext. .txt
      dir /s foldername - to show all subdirectories
      J: - to move to a drive J
      dir /p /w - show current dir. wide page
      dir /p - to show current dir. page
      dir /w - to show current dir. wider
      ren a.txt a.doc - rename a.txt to a.doc
      copy X:/dir/file.txt Y:/dir- copy from source x/dir to y/dir
      move X:/dir/file.txt Y:/dir- copy a file from source x/dir to y/dir
      del filename.txt - to delete a file 
      dir a????.txt - finds all file with a and have 4 char of ext .txt
      color nx -to change the color of cmd window (x and n are color codes)
      ver - to know MS-DOS version
      hostname - to find MS-DOS hostname
      cls - to clear the screen
      shutdown - to shutdown window


      control - to open control panel
      slui - open settings
      sndvol - open volume settings
      gfxui - to access graphics panel


      explorer - open file explorer
      cmd - to open a new command window
      calc -opens calculator
      snippingtool - open snipping snipping tool
      mspaint - open ms paint
      fxscover - to open fax cover page editor
      notepad - to open notepad
      write - opens wordpad
      xpsrchvw - open xps viewer
      wscript - open wscript host settings
      dvdplay - to open dvd player
      optionalfeatures - to open extra options window
      magnify - to open the magnifying glass in the window
      DpiScaling - to open display setting
      taskschd - open task scheduler window
      msinfo32 - to open system information viewer
      photoscreensaver - to open photo screen saver window
      osk - to open on screen keyboard
      time - to show and set the time
      date - to show and set the date 
      sdclt -open backup and restore window
      wf - to access window firewall settings
      mstsc - to open remote desktop menu
      msdt - open ms diagnostics tool
      narrator - open narrator window
      recoverydrive - recovery wondow
      chkdsk - to check the disk system
      mdsched - to schedule the disk check
      cleanmgr - to open the disk cleanup menu
      winhlp32 -opens windows help window
      rekeywiz - opens efs wizard
      recdisc - create a sys. repair disc window
      rstrui - windows restore window
      iscsicpl - open iscsi initiator panel  
      charmap - to open a character map
      eudcedit - to open private character editor
      dialer - to open phone and modem dialer
      dfrgui - to open disk defragger window
      FileHistory - to see file history of explorers
      workfolders - opens work folder
      isoburn - to see how iso can be burned in cd
      tabcal - calibration tab window
      nslookup - to open nameserver lookup window
      diskpart - to open the diskpart commandline
      chkntfs - to check the ntfs drive attatched 
      chgusr - to change the currebnt user menu
      chgport - to change the serial port
      ping hostname/IP - ping a host by url or ip as ping


      useraccountcontrolsettings - open uac menu
      taskmgr - open task manager
      mmc - to open management console
      dxdiag - to open directx diagnostics service
      colorcpl - to open color management window
      perfmon - to open performance monitor
      iexpress - to open iexpress wizard
      syskey - opens securing window acct. window
      systempropertiesadvanced - advance peoperties
      systempropertiesremote - remote system properties
      mblctr - opens window mobility center (for laptops)
      slmgr - to open window lic.+ act menu
      printmanagement - opens printer management console
      credwiz - to open cridentials wizard menu
      compmgmt - to launch pc mamnagement menu
      resmon - open resource monitor
      comexp - to open component services window
      lusrmgr - to open local user and group manager
      gpedit - to open group policy editor
      regedt32 - to open registry editor
      regedit - open registry editor
      ftp - to access file transfer protocol cli
      diskmgmt - to open disk management window
      wmimgmt - open window management console
      eventvwr - to open event viewer
      wusa - window update standalone installer
      fsmgmt- to open shared folder management window
      secpol - open local security policy window
      xwizard -opens extensible wizard hosts window
      rsop - resultant set of policy window
      fsquirt - to open bluetooth file send-recive window
      devicepairingwizard - to open pairing window
      devmgmt - to open device management window
      wfs - opens window fax and scan window
      msconfig - to open system config setting
      devmoderunasuserconfig - to set up user config.
      msra - to open window remote assistance menu
      sigverif - open signature verification window
      certmgr - to open cert. manager for current user
      certreq-to request a cert. from a file 
      dpapimig- to migrate all protected content
      quickassist - for quick assistance window
      pwcreator - open create window to go workspace
      printbrmui - to open printer migration window
      presentationsettings - open presentation sett. window
      tpm - open trusted paltform module
      verifiergui - driver verifer manager
      cliconfg -to open client network utility menu
      odbcad32 - open odbc data src admin window
      netplwiz - to open the window users window
      lpksetup - to open install disp. lang. menu
      cttune - open cleartype text tuner
      fondue - to open features on demand usr. exp. window
      dccw-open window display color calibration window
      defrag - to open the disk defragger commandline
      cmstp - connection manager profiler installer


      help - to access help for all command line
      color help - to access color help
      choice /? - to know about choices in ms-dos
      cipher /?- to learn about the ms-dos EFS
      netsh /?- to access pc network setting cli


all commands of MS-DOS command prompt - written by : ANAND PRABHAKAR




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