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enhanced UHD rx_samples_to_file

Uses background thread to write (optionally compressed) samples to storage, for CPU contrained platforms like Pi4.

See for notes on tuning USRP transport options.

example usage

Examples tuned for USB/B200 (

$ UHD_IMAGES_DIR=/usr/share/uhd/images mt_rx_samples_to_file --args num_recv_frames=128,recv_frame_size=16360 --file test.gz --nsamps 200000000 --rate 20000000 --freq 101e6 --spb 20000000

FFT support

Requires a Vulkan compatible GPU

Running on a Raspberry Pi4

This works on both Raspberry Pi OS (Debian) and Ubuntu.

  1. Add dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4 to /boot/firmware/config.txt (/boot/config.txt on Raspberry Pi OS).
  2. Make sure your user has access to the /dev/dri/renderD128 device (e.g. sudo usermod -a -G render ubuntu).
  3. If running Ubuntu 22.04 or later, proceed to the Build section. If running Raspberry Pi OS, you will first need to update your Vulkan/MESA drivers - use to Configure and install Vulkan using the main branch first then proceed to the Build section.

In this example, 5 seconds of samples centered at 108MHz at 1.024Ms/s are recorded, and the FFT results are plotted in python.

$ sudo ./build/mt_rx_samples_to_file --args num_recv_frames=128,recv_frame_size=16360 --freq 108e6 --rate 1.024e6 --gain 40 --duration 5 --nfft 2048
using vkFFT batch size 10 on V3D 4.2

Creating the usrp device with: num_recv_frames=128,recv_frame_size=16360...
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.2.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.1.0.5-3

[INFO] [B200] Loading firmware image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_b200_fw.hex...
[INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B200
[INFO] [B200] Loading FPGA image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_b200_fpga.bin...
[INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3.
[INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO.... 
[INFO] [GPS] No GPSDO found
[INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control...
[INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control...
[INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test... 
[INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed
[INFO] [B200] Setting master clock rate selection to 'automatic'.
[INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 16.000000 MHz... 
[INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 16.000000 MHz.
Using Device: Single USRP:
  Device: B-Series Device
  Mboard 0: B200
  RX Channel: 0
    RX DSP: 0
    RX Dboard: A
    RX Subdev: FE-RX1
  TX Channel: 0
    TX DSP: 0
    TX Dboard: A
    TX Subdev: FE-TX1

Setting RX Rate: 1.024000 Msps...
[INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 32.768000 MHz... 
[INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 32.768000 MHz.
Actual RX Rate: 1.024000 Msps...

Setting RX Freq: 108.000000 MHz...
Setting RX LO Offset: 0.000000 MHz...
Actual RX Freq: 108.000000 MHz...

Setting RX Gain: 40.000000 dB...
Actual RX Gain: 40.000000 dB...

Waiting for "lo_locked": ++++++++++ locked.

Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming...
defaulting spb to rate (1024000)
max_samps_per_packet from stream: 4086
max_buffer_size: 4096000 (1024000 samples)
opening /home/ubuntu/mt_rx_samples_to_file/.usrp_samples.dat.zst
writing zstd compressed output
using FFT point size 2048
opening /home/ubuntu/mt_rx_samples_to_file/.fft_usrp_samples.dat.zst
writing zstd compressed output
stream stopped
calls: 20480000
total: 20480000
closing usrp_samples.dat.zst
closing /home/ubuntu/mt_rx_samples_to_file/fft_usrp_samples.dat.zst

$ ./


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -qy build-essential cmake cppcheck libarmadillo-dev libboost-all-dev libuhd-dev libvulkan-dev python3-pip uhd-host unzip wget && \
        sudo pip3 install zstandard && \
        sudo /usr/lib/uhd/utils/ -t "b2|usb" && \
        wget -O && unzip && ln -s sigpack-*/sigpack . && \
        git clone -b v1.2.31 && \
        wget && \
        cd VkFFT && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j $(nproc) && cd ../.. && \
        mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..