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Sample stock management app

An attempt to design a stock management system with domain driven principles in mind. This was achieved by writing both the front and back-end code in such a way that their 'business' related logic is separated from the delivery and persistence code. This allows to easily swap frameworks, libraries and databases without interfering with the business rules.

Quick start

Given that you have yarn, go and docker installed:

docker-compose up -d db
docker-compose up -d --build tern
make run

Go to http://localhost:1234


The app has a Go backend exposing a REST interface and is using postgres for persistence.

The frontend is a SPA (single page application) written as a single static HTML page using Bootstrap.

Both front and back-end are written in such a way that their 'business' related code is separated from the delivery code:

  • for the back-end - all the implementation details are placed in the cmd folder, while all the business rules are in the domain package.

  • for the front-end - the web/src/app folder contains all the framework free code - the domain objects, rest clients and page behaviour (error messages, controls animation) while web/src/jquery or web/src/plain (WIP) contains the means by which this logic in bound to the web page components.



make run

Linter is going to be ran as part of building the runnable docker image:

make build/docker


enter web/ folder

make watch

Business domain explained


  • a list of unique item names


  • a list of items that are present in the inventory AND have been provisioned


  • a list of recipes, each recipe has a unique name and a list of ingredients with their quantities


  • a list of orders that have been successfully placed.
  • if the order does not have enough stock, it will be rejected
  • if there is enough stock, the corresponding values will be substracted from the stock

to be continued...

Acceptance testing

There is a experimental testing framework (arbor) with allows linking tests in a tree like manner.

(in the project root folder)

To start the server execute

make start/arbor

Then navigate to http://localhost:3000

To run the acceptance tests execute

make test/acceptance

Then refresh the previously loaded page




  • view provision log
  • cancel a provision
  • cancel an order
  • ...