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Ceallóga are simple ES6 arrow functions. Validate, test, and publish them as web service endpoints, and do it all via an easy-to-use rest API.



npm install -g cealloga



Getting started

In this tutorial, we'll create a microservice that:

  • takes information from a raw data source called colours
  • sums the colours up and returns them as an object called chartData (something you might later consume in an UI component such as a bar chart, for example.)

Before we begin, let's dissect the uncompressed source code we want to host as a web service.

(ceallog) => {
    let colours = ceallog.vars.colours, // A list of colours, POSTed by the user in the request body.
        coloursMap = {}, // A map of colours, where key will be colour name ('yellow') and value a total (`2`).
        chartData = {labels: [], series: []} // Chart data to build from incoming colours
    if (colours) { // Sum the colours...
        colours.forEach(c => coloursMap[] = coloursMap[] + 1 || 1);
    for (var name in coloursMap) { // Push the `name` into labels and `total` into series in the same order.
        let total = coloursMap[name];
    return chartData;


We create our code by first posting it to the /code/validate service. When we do this, the request is validated, the code is compiled, it's added to the database and cached on the server, and finally we receive a response with some information about it.

  1. Save the following file as barchart.json.
   "label":"Colour Total Bar Chart",
   "body":"(ceallog)=>{let colours=ceallog.vars.colours,coloursMap={},chartData={labels:[],series:[]};if(colours){colours.forEach(c=>coloursMap[]=coloursMap[]+1||1)}for(var name in coloursMap){let total=coloursMap[name];chartData.labels.push(name);chartData.series.push(total)}return chartData;}"
  1. In a terminal, run this curl command from the same directory as barchart.json:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @barchart.json http://localhost:3000/code/validate

You should now have a response like the following. Copy the "service" value; you'll need it in the next example!

   "label":"Colour Total Bar Chart",
   "message":"Resource retrieved successfully.",


Now that the code has been validated and created, let's send it some colour data and test the results.

  1. Save the following file as colours.json.
{"colours": [{"name": "blue"}, {"name": "yellow"}, {"name": "red"}, {"name": "yellow"}]}
  1. In a terminal, run this curl command from the same directory as colours.json:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @colours.json http://localhost:3000/cealloga/_test/5a610660158ffae3135b7c7e # <- replace with your _test endpoint from the validate example

If you're seeing the following, it worked!



Once we're happy with the test results, we can publish the function by name as /cealloga/barchart.

Run the following curl command.

curl http://localhost:3000/code/publish/5a610660158ffae3135b7c7e # <- replace with the id from the validate example 

You should get a response like the following:

   "body":"(ceallog)=>{let colours=ceallog.vars.colours,coloursMap={},chartData={labels:[],series:[]};if(colours){colours.forEach(c=>coloursMap[]=coloursMap[]+1||1)}for(var name in coloursMap){let total=coloursMap[name];chartData.labels.push(name);chartData.series.push(total)}return chartData;}",
   "label":"Colour Total Bar Chart",

Making a request to the published endpoint

The only thing left to day at this point is to check that /cealloga/barchart is up and running.

In a terminal, run this curl command from the same directory as colours.json:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @colours.json http://localhost:3000/cealloga/barchart

As in the test example above, if you're seeing the following, it worked again!
