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Tuple adds functionality for working with n-tuples.

  • Appending (append(value:, toTuple:)) or prepending (prepend(value:, toTuple:)) creates a copy of a given n-tuple with an additional value.

  • We can convert n-tuples to arrays (arrayFromTuple(T)) and arrays to n-tuples (tuple(from: []), triple(from: []), ...).

  • element(at:Int, in: Tuple) allows accessing tuples with an integer index.


Let's play a game of Cat, Mouse and Dog. It's contrived. It uses Tuple. Here we go:


Lets create some players and shuffle a deck of cards. Nothing new here, no use of Tuple.
// This game of cat and mouse and dog is played with three players.
let allPlayers = (cat: "Tom", mouse: "Jerry", dog: "Pluto")

enum Suit: String, CaseIterable { case clubs; case diamonds; case hearts; case spades }

// Let's generate a shuffled array of tuples to represent our deck of cards:
var deck: [(suit: Suit, value: Int)] = Suit.allCases.flatMap {
    Array(zip(Array(repeating: $0, count: 13), Array(1...13)))

Let's play!

Here we finally get to use the Tuple dependency.
// We keep track of all played cards in an array of tripples that includes the player wo drew the card:
var playedCards: [(round: Int, suit: Suit, value: Int, player: String)] = []

var round = 0
while !deck.isEmpty {
    // Each round is played with only two players that are chosen at random

    // First we convert the tripple of all players into an array and shuffle it:
    let shuffled = Tuple.arrayFromTuple(allPlayers).shuffled()

    // Now lets select two players and use a tuple to represent the players of this round:
    let opponents: (firstTurn: String, secondTurn: String) = Tuple.tuple(from: Array(shuffled[0...1]))!

    // We now convert the tuple of opponents into an array so we can itterate over it.
    for currentPlayer in Tuple.arrayFromTuple(opponents) {

        // let's pick a card and add it to our array of played cards.
        let card = deck.popLast()!

        // We first have to turn the card tuple into a played card triple:
        let playedCard: (suit: Suit, value: Int, player: String) = Tuple.append(value: currentPlayer, toTuple: card)

        // We will need to the round to calculate the final scores. Let's prepend it to the playedCard tuple. Because we can ;-)
        let playedCardInRound: (round: Int, suit: Suit, value: Int, player: String) = Tuple.prepend(value: round, toTuple: playedCard)

        // Now we are able to add the card to our pile of playedCards
    round += 1

To recap: We used arrayFromTuple(_ :), tuple(from: []), append(value:, toTuple:) and prepend(value:, toTuple:).

Who won?

For good measure let's use some more Tuple methods.
// Let's calculate scores based on the players target suit, the value of their card and the round number
func calculateValue(player: String, suit: Suit) -> Int {
    return playedCards
        .filter { $0.player == player }
        .filter { $0.suit == suit }
        .reduce(into: 0) { $0 += $1.round - $1.value }

let scores = (
    catScore: calculateValue(player:, suit: .hearts),
    mouseScore: calculateValue(player: allPlayers.mouse, suit: .diamonds),
    dogScore: calculateValue(player:, suit: .clubs)

// We determine the actual winner by first picking one of the scores at random.

let tupleOrder = Tuple.order(of: scores)
var elementIndices: [Int] = Array(0..<tupleOrder).shuffled()
let elementIndex = elementIndices.popLast()!
let targetScore: Int = Tuple.element(at: elementIndex, in: scores)!

// If the picked score is a duplicate, everyone with the same score wins
// TODO: implement

// If the picked score is the highest score, both lower scores get a point, and if the picked score is the lowest score, both higher scores get a point
// TODO: implement

// If the picked score is in the middle, the picked score gets a point.
// TODO: implement

Another recap: We used order(of:) and element(at:, in:) to calculate the final winners.

To run the example playground, clone the repo and open the Example playground.



Tuple is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Tuple'


Axel Ancona Esselmann,


Tuple is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Tuple is a collection of utilities for working with ntuples.







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