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Python Flask API Demonstration

This is an API that allows users to create bucketlists and add items to their bucketlists.As a Token Based Api, Authentication is used to ensure security, allowing Users interaction only when there are authenticated via a set a protocols.

EndPoint Functionality Public Access
POST /auth/login Logs a user in TRUE
POST /bucketlists/ Create a new bucket list FALSE
GET /bucketlists/ List all the created bucket lists FASLE
GET /bucketlists/id Get single bucket list FALSE
PUT /bucketlists/id Update this bucket list FALSE
DELETE /bucketlists/id Delete this single bucket list FALSE
POST /bucketlists/id/items/ Create a new item in bucket list FALSE
PUT /bucketlists/id/items/item_id Update a bucket list item FALSE
DELETE /bucketlists/id/items/item_id Delete an item in a bucket list FALSE


AUTH url_data:username = "username"

POST /auth/login | Logs a user in
Parameters/Input data: {"username":"testuser"}

User url data: username = username

Only visible/exposed on login

GET user/username
Parameters/Input data: nil

BUCKETLIST url data: id = bucketlist id

POST /bucketlists/ | create a new bucketlist
Parameters/Input data: {"name":"name of bucketlist"}

GET /bucketlists/ | List all the created bucket lists
Parameters/Input data: nil

GET /bucketlists/id | Get single bucket list
Parameters/Input data: nil

PUT /bucketlists/id | Update this bucket list
Parameters/Input data: {"name":"updata bucketlist name"}

DELETE /bucketlists/id | Delete this single bucket list
Parameters/Input data: nil

ITEMS url data:id = bucketlist id, item_id = item id

POST /bucketlists/id/items/ | Create a new item in bucket list
Parameters/Input data: {"name":"my bucketlistitem", "Done":false }

PUT /bucketlists/id/items/item_id | Update a bucket list item
Parameters/Input data: {"name":"update my bucketlistitem", "Done":true }

DELETE /bucketlists/id/items/item_id | Delete an item in a bucket list
Parameters/Input data: nil

##WORKFLOW User login/registers via POST auth/login route and is given a token
User uses token which expires after a period of 24 hour.
User obtains token if he/she wants to continue using API services.
User uses token to make request to server for resources defined above.

RESTful API is STATELESS and so no user session is stored.

User can search for bucketlist using limits and page(pagination via limit)
GET /bucketlists/limit=2 and GET /bucketlists/limit=4&page=1
Default limit without specification is 20 and default page number is 1.
GET /bucketlists/id/limit=5 and GET /bucketlists/id/limit=4&page=2

User can also search for bucketlist using search parameter q.
GET /bucketlists/q=create and GET /bucketlists/q=game&limit=4&page=1

#USAGE Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
Run python runserver to start server
Test Api using POSTMAN or cURL

####Database Used: Postgress.
Set User: Administrator
Password: administrator
Database name: bucketlist

######HAVE FUN!!!


Python Flask Api Demonstration







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