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A template built using next-js for creating simple, JS based blogs.


  • Paginated blog.
  • posts are JSX-components (Not Markdown).
  • Common Layout component for global styling.
  • Basic searching and filtering.
  • Bundled components for image slider, video, searching, layout, and menu.


Developer Guide


  • A recent version of Node (I use v16+)
  1. Checkout the repository
  2. run npm install
  3. Start the webserver with npm run dev

How to add a new page


Create a new JS file in the pages/blog/ directory, such as pages/blog/mypage.js


Add metadata to your page, at the top of the file. the //+metadata comment is important for the site builder to add your page's metadata to the metadata store during site compilation.

let metadata = {
    // Title which will appear in links and in HTML title
    "title": "my new page",
    // Page description
    "desc": "This is a description of my page!",
    // Page publish date, in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
    "date": "2020-01-02",
    // Path to cover image
    "image": "/images/profile.jpg",
    // List of tags. Tags are used for sorting/filtering/searching.
    "tags": ["camping"]


Implement the React page contract in your page:

import Layout from "../../components/layout"

export default function Post() {
    return (
        // you may use any image or header text, not just the metadata values
        <Layout headerImage={metadata.image} headerText={metadata.title}>
            // page content is configurable               
            <h1>Hello World!</h1>

The Layout component contains a common container for the site. It is not required, but recommended for most pages.

Save your file and restart the dev webserver to reload the metadata store. Your page should be visible on the home page (:3000)