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File metadata and controls

841 lines (533 loc) · 25.4 KB

Showtime Plugin documentation for developers

by Andreas Öman, Project Leader

This document is still work-in-progress. Some sections are missing and some are not complete. If you feel something particular is missing, please say so.

-- Andreas, or


Plugins for Showtime are currently written in Javascript. The Javascript engine inside Showtime is Spidermonkey 1.8.0-rc1. Note that Showtime does not implement the same Javascript API as normal web browsers. The basic Javascript is there but there is no such thing as a DOM or AJAX, etc.

This document assumes the reader has good understanding of Javascript. There are plenty of books and sites on the subject so I don't want to waste space or time on teaching Javascript.

The Showtime plugins does not interact directly to the user via the user interface (similar to a web browser) but rather it responds to browse and search requests and populate the internal data model with information that is then presented to the user via Showtime's user interface(s)

Structure of a plugin

Each plugin resides in a directory of their own. This directory must contain a file called ''plugin.json'' which contain information about the plugin. For more information about this file, please see the section named plugin.json below.

Apart for the plugin.json file there are no further restrictions of what the files are named in the plugin directory or if files are placed in sub-directories, etc


plugin.json is a JSON ( encoded text file containing information about the plugin

Example of a plugin.json file (from the Headweb plugin):

  "type": "javascript",
  "id": "headweb",
  "file": "headweb.js",
  "showtimeVersion": "3.1",
  "version": "1.0",
  "author": "Andreas Öman",
  "title": "Headweb",
  "icon": "headweb_square.png",
  "synopsis": "Headweb online video",
  "description": "<p>Headweb is a Swedish online video store.<p>For more information, visit <a href=\"\"></a>"

Description of fields and requirement of their presence:


Type of plugin, currently only "javascript" is supported.


Unique identifier for a plugin. The IDs are assigned by the Showtime project. Any ID starting with the string "test" is reserved for development and can be used by plugin developers until a final ID has been assigned. The assigned IDs will be ASCII lowercase. To get an ID please mail


Name of the plugin executable/script. Usually it's a good idea to give the file a name resembling the plugin ID.


Short title of the Plugin. If omitted the 'id' field will be used instead which might look a bit bad due to lowercasing, etc

showtimeVersion (RECOMMENDED)

Minimum version required of Showtime for this plugin to work. If the current version of Showtime is less than this version the user won't be able to install the plugin but will be notified about what version of Showtime is required. The same goes if a plugin is updated and the new version requires a newer version of Showtime. Then the user will be refused to upgrade the plugin. If this field is omitted Showtime will assume the plugin works on all versions of Showtime.


Version of the plugin. If this does not match the current installed version of a user's plugin the user will be presented with the possibility to upgrade the plugin. If the field is omitted Showtime will set the version to "Unknown"

synopsis (RECOMMENDED)

A short one line summary of the plugin or the service it accesses

author (OPTIONAL)

Plugin developer. Any UTF-8 characters is valid.


Path to plugin icon. The path is relative to the plugin root directory. If no icon is available Showtime will use a placeholder image instead.

description (OPTIONAL)

Long rich-text formatted description of the plugin.

Developing a plugin

To develop a plugin for Showtime it's easiest to load the plugin via Showtime's plugin development argument (-p):


build.linux/showtime -p testplugin

This will output something like:

plugins [ERROR]: Unable to load development plugin: testplugin
                 Unable to load testplugin/plugin.json -- File not found

Go ahead and create the directory:

mkdir testplugin

Edit the JSON file with your favorite text editor:

emacs testplugin/plugin.json

And put the required fields in there:

 "type": "javascript",
 "file": "testplugin.js",
 "id": "testplugin"

You can reload the development plugin at any time by pressing Shift+F5 in Showtime (assuming you have not mapped that key/action to something else in the keymapper setup). This works fine even if the plugin failed to load for whatever reason. All hooks and resources that are registered by the plugin is automatically removed when the plugin is reloaded. The same procedure happens when a plugin is uninstalled from the plugin repository browser. Pressing Shift+F5 will also reload the data model for the current loaded page. Ir. If you have a page opened that links to your plugin in development mode Showtime will first reload the plugin and then reload the page itself. This makes it very easy to do rapid development of plugins.

Now go ahead and edit the javascript file

emacs testplugin/testplugin.js

Put one single line in that file:

showtime.print('hello world');

Press Shift+F5 and the console window from where you started showtime should say:

hello world
plugins [INFO]: Reloaded dev plugin testplugin/

Showtime will just execute the plugin which only outputs 'Hello world' on the console and then exits. So, how to create something more interesting? First the javascript code needs to create a scope where its local variables will live and also need to remember 'this' which is, when the script is invoked, a plugin object created by Showtime. Change the code to:

(function(plugin) {
 showtime.print("Hello! I'm a plugin running inside Showtime " + 

Routing an URI to the plugin

Almost everything in Showtime has an URI. This is also one of the way for a user to interact with plugins. Each plugin reserves URI space starting with the plugin's ID. This is not imposed by any code in Showtime but rather a convention. URI routes registered by plugins take precedence over the URI routes that Showtime itself handle so it is possible to, for example, add routes for certain well known domains on the Internet (think .. )

Back to our test code:

(function(plugin) {
 // Enable URI routing for this plugin.
 plugin.config.URIRouting = true;

 // Add a URI route and a corresponding function to be invoked
 plugin.addURI("testplugin:hello", function(page) {
   showtime.print("I was called");

Now, reload the plugin (Shift+F5) and type "testplugin:hello" in the search input field on Showtime's home page. (Maybe you didn't know, but the search field can be used to open any valid Showtime URI). Showtime will open a new page with nothing but a spinning throbber and just print the console message. Not very exciting but it's a good start.

API reference

The page object



  • directory
  • item
  • video


If type is 'directory' this can be used to hint the UI what type of items is being displayed so the UI can chose a way to layout the items.


Set to true if the page is loading. This is the default value. When set to true the user interface will display a throbber or similar animation telling the user that loading is in progress. Should be set to false by the plugin once the page have been filled with data.


Source URL for video content. Only relevant if page.type is set to "video"



Number of total entries on the page when all item have been inserted. Only used for user presentation purposes.


If a function is assigned to this property, that function will be invoked when Showtime wants more items appended to the data model for, so called, paginated loading. If this property is not set Showtime will assume that the plugin populates the entire model during the initial page load.


appendItem(String URI, [String type], [Object metadata])

Append an item to the page. This should be used to populate data when page.type == 'directory'

  • URI - URI to be opened when the item is activated (clicked)

  • type - Type of the item

  • directory - Directory that can be browsed
  • file - Any type of file or unknown file format
  • video - Video file
  • audio - Audio track
  • image - Image that can be displayed
  • album - Collection of audio tracks
  • metadata - Additional information about the item

Return an item object

appendPassiveItem(String type, [Variable data], [Object metadata])

Append a, so called, passive item to the page. This should be used to populate data when page.type == 'item'. These items are only used for informational purposes and do not necessarily have URIs associated with them.

appendAction(String type, String data, [Boolean enabled], [Object metadata])

error(String errorMessage)

A helper to switch the page in error mode and display the supplied error message.

onEvent(String event, Function handler)


Cause Showtime to print a dump of the property tree representing the page to the console.

The item object


onEvent(String event, Function handler)

Install an event handler for the specific item. If event is 'null' all events will be passed to the handler. The first argument to the handler is a string with the event name

Available from 3.99.357


Remove the item from the page

Available from 3.99.357

addOptURL(String title, String URL)

Add an additional URL for the item. This URL can be reached from the item's context-menu.

Available from 3.99.357

addOptAction(String title, String event)

Add an additional event for the item. When trigged by the user it can be intercepted using an event handler registered using the item's onEvent() method.

Available from 3.99.357

addOptSeparator(String title)

Add a separator that separates content by sections.

Available from 3.99.428

The plugin object

When a plugin is loaded it will be so with an associated plugin object. The object can not be altered from the script (IE, no new properties can be defined on the object).



URL to the plugin's javascript file


Path to the plugin root. This should be used to form fully qualified URLs to plugin resources (icons, etc)


If set to 'true' the plugin will participate in URI routing. IE. the handlers registered via plugin.addURI() will be invoked when a URI is opened that matches the registered regexp. The default value is 'true'. This value can be modified by the plugin itself (Usually via a setting)


If set to 'true' the plugin will participate in search requests. IE. the handlers registered via plugin.addSearcher() will be invoked on search requests. The default value is 'true'. This value can be modified by the plugin itself (Usually via a setting)


Parses each element of plugin.json to plugin object.


var plugin_info = plugin.getDescriptor();
var PREFIX =;

cachePut(String Name, String Key, Object Values, Int Expire)

Stores a json object in Cache, expiring seconds after the colocation in cache (value given by Expire).


// store json object in cache for 24 hours
plugin.cachePut("ItemStash", "ItemKey1", {
title: 'Item title',
thumb: 'http://localhost/thumb.jpg'
}, 86400);

cacheGet(String Name, String Key)

Parses the json object in Cache with key equal to Key and name of Cache equal to Name.


var o = plugin.cacheGet("ItemStash", "ItemKey1");


addURI(String Regexp, Function Handler)

Add a function for handling a URI matched by a regexp. This is a central function for adding browse pages that a user can navigate to.

  • Regexp - Regular expression matching the URI
  • Handler - Function to be invoked when the URI is opened

The Handler is called with one or more arguments. The first argument is always the page object. The second and further arguments are sub-strings as matched by the regexp


plugin.addURI("testplugin:foo:(.*)", function(page, arg) {
 showtime.print("The argument is " + arg);

If the testplugin:foo:bar URI is opened in Showtime this will print: The argument is bar in the console

addSearcher(String Title, String Icon, Function Handler)

addHTTPAuth(String Regexp, Function Handler)

Add a handler for authenticating HTTP requests.

Plugins may add handlers for dealing with authentications for various URLs. This is typically used for OAuth based streaming services and such. Even though the browsing and searching of content is handled in the plugin the actual streaming of Audio / Video never passes thru the plugin itself. To make it possible to authenticate requests which are not touched by the plugins (and to ease authentication of requests from within the plugin itself) the plugin can register HTTPAuth handlers.

  • Regexp - Regular expression matching the URIs for which to handle authentication.
  • Handler - Function invoked when requests needs to be authenticated.

The handler is invoked with one argument 'A authreq object' and the plugin should return true to indicate that the authentication was successful, false otherwise.

The authreq object have these methods:

  • oauthToken(String ConsumerKey, String ConsumerSecret, String UserToken, String UserSecret) If you need to use OAuth 1.0 you know what those are for and how to get them

  • rawAuth(String data) Just send raw data as the HTTP Authentication Header. This can be used for a variety of things, including OAuth 2.0

createService(String Title, String URL, String Type, Boolean Enabled, [String Icon])

  • Title - Display name of the service
  • Type - Service type, can be used for grouping the service. This should be any of:
  • video
  • audio
  • tv
  • image
  • other
  • Enabled - Boolean if the service should be enabled or disabled. This can later be changed by modifying the "enabled" property of the returned object

Create a service (that will appear on the home screen) and return an Object representing the service.

Returns a service object.

The created service is resource-tracked and will be removed when the plugin is unloaded (or reloaded)

createSettings(String Title, [String IconURL], [String Description])

  • Title - Display name of the service
  • Icon - URL Path to icon
  • Description - Long description of the settings

Create a setting group (that will appear in the settings page) and return a settings object.

The created settings group is resource-tracked and will be removed when the plugin is unloaded (or reloaded). The object has a destroy method that can be used to destroy the object.

createStore(String ID, [Boolean perUser])

Available from 3.1.162

Creates an object that will be persisted on disk.

  • ID - Identifies the object. Each plugin can create multiple stores, each with a different ID.
  • perUser - When Showtime will support switching between multiple identities this will indicate that the store should be unique per user. This is not something that is currently supported.

The store object is not resource tracked and explicitly destroyed like most other plugin related objects. Rather it is finalized when the Javascript garbage collector will destroy it.

getAuthCredentials(String Source, String Reason, Boolean QueryUser, [String ID], [Boolean ForceTemporary])

Ask the user for authentication credentials.

  • Source - Display name of the service/entity requiring authentication. This should be rather short but should still identify the service uniquely. IE, it should inform the user from what the popup originates.
  • Reason - Reason for asking for authentication credentials. This can be things like "Service requires authentication" or in case the user tries a username/password but it fails, it should be something like: "Invalid Password". IE. it should inform the user why the request popped up.
  • QueryUser - If set to true the user will be queried for input. If this is false Showtime will only look in the keyring for previously entered credentials.
  • ID - Extra ID for storing the credentials in the keyring. This will be appended to the plugin's own ID. If you only have one authentication point to worry about you don't need to supply this.
  • ForceTemporary - Do not allow Showtime to store the credentials on disk. This also removes the 'remember me' option from the popup. Some online services, when using token based authentication, allows Showtime to get a token that can be renewed to retain authentication against the service. For these type of services it makes no sense to store the Username/Password in clear text.

onEvent(String event, Function handler)

Available from 3.5.6

Receive global events.

The settings object

createInt(String ID, String Title, Int Initial, Int Minimum, Int Maximum, Int Step, String Unit, Function Func)

Shows a slider of integers to choose a value.

  • ID - String that identifies the setting. (e.g. integer)
  • Title - Synopsis of the setting. (e.g. Integer test)
  • Initial - Integer that's the default value. (e.g. 20)
  • Minimum - Integer of the lowest possible value. (e.g. 10)
  • Maximum - Integer of the highest possible value. (e.g. 50)
  • Step - Integer that is added to the current value. (e.g. 2)
  • Unit - String identifying the unit of the value. (e.g. Km/h)
  • Function - Function that handles the current value saving it (e.g. function(v){service.integer=v})

createString(String ID, String Title, String Initial, Function Func)

Shows a text input field.

  • ID - String that identifies the setting. (e.g. string)
  • Title - Synopsis of the setting. (e.g. String test)
  • Initial - Initial value of string
  • Function - Function that handles the current value saving it (e.g. function(v){somevalue = v})

createBool(String ID, String Title, Bool Initial, Function Func)

Shows a bool on/off setting

  • ID - String that identifies the setting. (e.g. boolean)
  • Title - Synopsis of the setting. (e.g. Boolean test)
  • Initial - Initial value of bool
  • Function - Function that handles the current value saving it (e.g. function(v){somevalue = v})

createMultiOpt(String ID, String Title, Object Values, Function Func)

Available from 3.3.328

Shows a multioption field (combobox style)

  • ID - String that identifies the setting. (e.g. boolean)
  • Title - Synopsis of the setting. (e.g. Boolean test)
  • Values - List of List objects describing each option. An example list looks like [['a', 'Alpha'], ['b', 'Beta', true]]. In this example the callback would be called with 'a' if 'Alpha' is selected and 'b' if 'Beta' is selected. The optional third per-item value denotes if the option is default.
  • Function - Function that handles the current value saving it (e.g. function(v){somevalue = v})

createAction(String ID, String Title, Function Func)

Available from 3.99.47

Shows an Action Button that executes a given function when clicked.

  • ID - String that identifies the setting. (e.g. boolean)
  • Title - Synopsis of the setting. (e.g. Boolean test)
  • Function - Function that is executed when button is clicked (e.g. function(){ showtime.trace("Button clicked!"); })

The service object

Service objects are bound to the plugin from which they were created. If the plugin is unloaded, all service objects will be destroyed.



Boolean value that can be modified from the plugin to enable/disable the service on the home screen



Will destroy the service. Note that if the Javascript garbage collector destroys the object the service within showtime will not be removed. The plugin must invoke the destroy() method to remove the service or the user must unload the plugin to remove the service. Therefore if the plugin have no setting for removing the service from the home screen the service can just be created and the returned object can be forgotten about.

The showtime object



Current version of Showtime encoded as an integer. This can be used to check if running a given version X or greater, etc.

The version number is encoded as:

v = major * 10000000 +  minor * 100000 + commit;

So to check if the running Showtime is 3.4.2 or greater, just do

if(showtime.currentVersionInt >= 30400002) {
  // yep


Display name of current version. This will also include GIT commit hash and dirty flag,


trace(String Message)

Send Message to Showtime's log/trace engine on debug level. This will appear on the console if Showtime is started with the -d option

print(String Message)

Print Message to the console.

httpGet(String URL, [Object QueryArgs], [Object Headers], [Object Control])

  • URL - URL to request. HTTP:// and HTTPS:// is supported.
  • QueryArgs - Object with properties that will be appended to the URL as query arguments. This can also be a list of objects and if so the properties from each object will be merged.
  • Headers - Object with properties that will be interpreted as extra HTTP headers to send. If these includes a header that is default sent by Showtime, the default will be overridden with the value from this object. Available from 3.1.177
  • Control - Object with properties that control the HTTP client. The following properties are understood: Available from 3.5.125
  • debug - If set to true, it will print debug info about the transfer
  • noFollow - If set to true, no redirects will be followed

Return a HTTP response object

httpPost(String URL, Object PostData, [Object QueryArgs], [Object Headers], [Object Control])

  • URL - URL to request. HTTP:// and HTTPS:// is supported.
  • PostData - Object where each property will be encoded and POSTed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.
  • QueryArgs - Object with properties that will be appended to the URL as query arguments. This can also be a list of objects and if so the properties from each object will be merged.
  • Headers - Object with properties that will be interpreted as extra HTTP headers to send. If these includes a header that is default sent by Showtime, the default will be overridden with the value from this object. Available from 3.1.177
  • Control - See httpGet method

Return a HTTP response object

readFile(String URL)

Open the file specified by URL and return the contents as a String

This method should only be used for development and is not available in release builds of Showtime

querySplitString(String s)

Returns object with properties set to values according to contents from the query string.

pathEscape(String s)

Escapes a URL Path component.

paramEscape(String s)

Escapes a HTTP query parameter component.

canHandle(String URL)

Return true if Showtime can handle the URL. This does not open or probe the URL in any way. It's a strict syntactic check.

message(String Message, Boolean ShowOk, Boolean ShowCancel)

Display a message to the user.

  • Message - text to display to the user
  • ShowOk - Set to true if a OK button should be displayed
  • ShowCancel - Set to true if a Cancel button should be displayed

Return true if OK was pressed, false otherwise.

sleep(Integer seconds)

Sleep for the specified time (in seconds).

JSONEncode(Object o)

JSON encodes the Object and return the encoded JSON string.

JSONDecode(String s)

JSON decodes the String and return a JSON Object.

entityDecode(String s)

Decode HTML ententies in string s and return the new string Available from 3.5.174

notify(String s, Int i, String icon)

Create a Popup thar shows the string s during i seconds. Optionally with the icon being displaced next to the notification Available from 3.99.48


Return current time in seconds since 1970

durationToString(Integer duration)

Convert duration into a string that is suitable for display to the user for presentation of duration (of movies, etc)

43 -> 0:43 3601 -> 1:00:01

probe(String URL)

Available from 3.1.156

Probe the given URL to check if it is accessible.

Returns an object with two properties

  • result - Result code, 0 means OK, the following codes are currently defined
  • 1 - Authentication problem - Resource can not be probed due to missing authnetication credentials
  • 2 - No URI handler - No support for the URI scheme
  • 3 - Fail - Other failure
  • errmsg - Error message intended to be displyed to the user

HTTP response object



Object with properties representing all of the received HTTP headers



Convert the response to a String. This will do a number of things.

  1. Convert the contents to UTF-8 (IE, convert from the charset set in the HTTP content-type response header. If no content-type header is present it assumes UTF-8.

  2. If content-type is XML (application/xml or text/xml) it will strip the leading <?xml/> tag. This is so the string can be fed directly into Javascript's XML E4X parser.