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Dockerized ZoneMinder video surveillance software system.

This image is published to Docker Hub as andornaut/zoneminder.

Like the official Dockerfiles, this image includes Apache2 and MySQL in addition to ZoneMinder itself. Running multiple services in the same Docker container is not generally advisable, but this project does so nevertheless out of pragmatic desire for an all-in-one solution.


# Start
docker-compose up --build
google-chrome http://localhost:8080

# Get status
docker-compose exec zoneminder status

# Publish to
docker login
docker-compose build
docker-compose push

# Clear logs
docker exec zoneminder mysql -e 'TRUNCATE Logs;' zm

# Delete custom Montage Layouts
docker exec zoneminder mysql -e 'DELETE FROM MontageLayouts WHERE Id > 5;' zm


You can run the settings.sql to update some ZoneMinder settings.

docker-compose exec zoneminder sh -c 'cat settings.sql|mysql zm'

Execute the following SQL in the MySQL database running in the container to add monitor presets for:

  • Amcrest IP4M-1025E
  • Foscam FI9831PV2
INSERT INTO MonitorPresets VALUES (NULL,'Amcrest IP4M-1025E FFMPEG H.264','Ffmpeg','/dev/video<?>','0',255,'rtsp','rtpRtsp','<username>:<pwd>@<ip-address>','443','rtsp://<username>:<pwd>@<ip-address>:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0','',1280,720,0,0.00,0,'0','','',100,100);
INSERT INTO MonitorPresets VALUES (NULL,'Foscam FI9831PV2 FFMPEG H.264','Ffmpeg','/dev/video<?>','0',255,'rtsp','rtpRtsp','<username>:<pwd>@<ip-address>','443','rtsp://<username>:<pwd>@<ip-address>:443/videoMain','',1280,720,0,0.00,1,'19','usr=<username>&pwd=<pwd>','<ip-address>:443',100,100);
