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API Project: URL Shortener Microservice for FCC

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This is my project of the URL Shortener Microservice challenge for the freeCodeCamp API and Microservice certification. It was built based on the boilerplate available here.


Endpoints Description
POST /api/shorturl/new Register a URL and create a short URL for it
GET /api/shorturl/{short_url} Redirect to the original URL previously registered

Example output:

  • {"original_url":"","short_url":"1904412960"}
  • {"error":"invalid url"}

How to use:

Be sure to change the uri variable in database.js according to your own MongoDB server. It's also possible to just create a .env file and store this information there in order to keep it hidden and safe. Then, just run on terminal:

npm install
npm start


I'm a student and I really would like to hear case you have any tips, correction suggestions or comments about any my of projects (🤓).