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Added multiple trials; trials and time budget are configurable
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andralex committed Sep 28, 2011
1 parent df441e2 commit f45e13c
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 17 deletions.
68 changes: 51 additions & 17 deletions std/benchmark.d
Expand Up @@ -408,17 +408,40 @@ unittest
Benchmarks one function, automatically issuing multiple calls to
achieve good accuracy.
The call $(D benchmark!fun()) first calls $(D fun) once. If the call
completes too quickly to gather an accurate timing, $(D fun) is called
10 times, then 100 times, 1000 times and so on, until a meaningful
timing is collected.
The call $(D benchmark!fun(timeBudget, trials)) repeats $(D trials)
times the time-measured experiment of calling $(D fun) once, and then
takes the minimum of the times obtained. If the minimum obtained $(D
tMin) is greater than or equal to $(D timeBudget), the function
returns $(D tuple(1u, tMin)).
If, on the other hand, $(D tMin < timeBudget), then $(D benchmark)
repeats the experiment $(D trials) times, but this time measuring the
time spent in calling $(D fun) 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times and so
on, until the time budget is exceeded by one experiment. Then $(D
benchmark) returns $(D tuple(n, tMin)), where $(D n) (always a power
of 10) is the number of loops to achieve $(D tMin). In all cases, the
effective time spent per call is $(D tMin / n).
fun = Alias of callable object (e.g. function name). It should take
either no arguments or one integral argument, which is the iterations
timeBudget = The time budget allocated for iterating $(D fun) multiple
times. Ideally there would be no need for a time budget, but measuring
very fast functions is affected by imperfections of the timer and
other vagaries. Therefore, the function must be run multiple times
until it exceeds the time budget. Then the estimated run time is the
time obtained divided by the number of iterations. The default time
budget is $(D 10ms).
trials = When iterating calls to $(D fun), multipled such iterations
must be tried because each individual measurement may be affected by
e.g. a task switch or other activity on the machine. Therefore, the
iteration is repeated $(D trials) time and the minimum of the obtained
times is taken. The default value of $(D trials) is $(D 10).
A tuple containing the number of iterations in the first member and
Expand All @@ -432,36 +455,45 @@ int a;
void fun() { auto b = to!(string)(a); }
auto r = benchmark!fun();
writefln("Milliseconds to call fun() %s times: %s",
r[0], r[1][0].to!("msecs", int));
r[0], r[1].to!("msecs", int));
auto benchmark(alias fun)()
auto benchmark(alias fun)(TickDuration timeBudget = TickDuration.from!"msecs"(10),
uint trials = 10)
if (is(typeof(benchmark!fun(1u))))
uint n = 1;
TickDuration elapsed;
for (; n < 1_000_000_000; n *= 10)
elapsed = benchmark!fun(n)[0];
if (!("msecs", int) < 10)
// Take the minimum of 10 trials
foreach (k; 0 .. trials)
TickDuration elapsedThisPass = benchmark!fun(n)[0];
if (elapsedThisPass < elapsed || k == 0)
elapsed = elapsedThisPass;
// Done if time budget exceeded
if (elapsed >= timeBudget)
continue bigloop;

return tuple(n, elapsed);

Benchmarks an entire module given its name. Benchmarking proceeds
as follows: all symbols inside the module are enumerated, and those that
start with "benchmark_" are considered benchmark functions and are
timed using $(D benchmark) defined above.
Benchmarks an entire module given its name. Benchmarking first
enumerates all symbols inside the module. Those that start with $(D
benchmark_) are considered benchmark functions and are timed using $(D
benchmark) defined above.
This function prints to $(D target) a table containing for each
benchmark the function name (excluding the $(D "benchmark_") prefix),
benchmark the function name (excluding the $(D benchmark_) prefix),
the number of calls issued, the average duration per call, and the
speed in calls per second.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +602,9 @@ was $(D 5.28) times faster than $(D append_builtin)), and with $(D
1/14.28x) for $(D concat) (meaning that $(D append_concat)'s speed was
$(D 14.28) times $(I slower) than $(D append_builtin)'s speed).
void benchmarkModule(string mod)(File target = stdout)
void benchmarkModule(string mod)(File target = stdout,
TickDuration timeBudget = TickDuration.from!"msecs"(10),
uint trials = 10)
import std.algorithm;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,7 +711,7 @@ void benchmarkModule(string mod)(File target = stdout)
&& entity[0 .. 10] == "benchmark_")
auto r = mixin("benchmark!(" ~ mod ~ "."
~ entity ~ ")()");
~ entity ~ ")(timeBudget, trials)");
collectResult(entity, r);
Expand Down

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