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Talk about LiaScript at the elmeurope conference 2019

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Open-courSe development with LiaScript

(... or Markdown on steroids, featuring Elm)

Name André Dietrich
Project __ __
Twitter @an_dietrich

Hi there and welcome to my talk about LiaScript, an Open-courSe authoring tool for open educational content, which is based on a some simple Markdown extension. When I started this project, I shortly realized that there is a huge gap between people that want to create educational content and those who can. It takes years to become a sophisticated web-developer, but it also takes years to become fluent in veterinary ophthalmology, cuneiform writing or Slavic literature. But if it comes to creating and sharing open educational content, those people are mostly stuck at Word, PDFs, PowerPoint.


With LiaScript I tried to create a very simple and easy to learn and to adapt approach for developing online courses. There is no login no server required and everything happens within the browser. The entire course is hosted on GitHub and everything that is required is actually a link to the Markdown-document. That is the second link is a bit longer than the first one.




But probably it would be better if the system could introduce itself at the next section.

What is LiaScript


Hi, my name is Lia. LiaScript is not intended to be the next Markup language. It is more or less a tool for creating interactive screencast-like online courses. With an easy to read and write syntax.

Hi my name is Lia. LiaScript is not intended
to be the next Markup  language.  It is more
or  less  a  tool  for  creating interactive
screencast-like online courses. With an easy
to read and write syntax.

You can use for example the double braces notation as bullet-points, to indicate when something should appear or disappear.

You can use for example the double braces
notation as bullet-points, to indicate when
something should appear or disappear.

              Example of an ASCII-Art diagram
    1.9 |
        |                 ***
      y |               *     *
      - | r r r r r r r*r r r r*r r r r r r r
      a |             *         *
      x |            *           *
      i | B B B B B * B B B B B B * B B B B B
      s |         *                 *
        | *  * *                       * *  *
     -1 +------------------------------------
        0              x-axis               1
          Example of an ASCII-Art diagram
1.9 |
    |                 ***
  y |               *     *
  - | r r r r r r r*r r r r*r r r r r r r
  a |             *         *
  x |            *           *
  i | B B B B B * B B B B B B * B B B B B
  s |         *                 *
    | *  * *                       * *  *
 -1 +------------------------------------
    0              x-axis               1


You can apply this technique on any kind of Markdown block, but inlining is also possible.

You  can apply  this technique on  any kind of
Markdown block, but inlining is also possible.

| This   | table                    | will  |
| :----- | :----------------------- | :---- |
| appear | at the {4}{__watch me__} | end   |
This table will
appear at the {4}{watch me} end
  --{{5 French Female}}--

And by using double dashes, you can mark a paragraph as a comment that should be read out loud.

      --{{5 French Female}}--
And by using double dashes, you can mark a
paragraph as a comment that should be read
out loud.



But let me first start, with a little prehistory and how I started to become a web-developer.


robots in a manucactoring hall


Originally I was a robotics and embedded systems developer, who become obsessed with programming paradigms and how people try to solve problems or think differently in different languages. I even tried to develop my own programming language that contained everything I liked in other programming languages or stuff that I missed. But my problem though was, that I could not convince anyone in the robotics community.

... a declarative dynamic typed language for simulations and IoT, with ternary logic, SQL & spatial-temporal reasoning, prototypes, temporal variables, etc...



Industrial eLab Project (BMBF)


So when I thought my university carrier was over, a friend of mine approached to me and asked me if I would like to join a project, called “Industrial eLab”. It was about teaching student embedded systems programming remotely on real Arduino robots remotely. And I was like, PHP — so we meet again old friend.


php logo


But then after some research, I stumbled across this great projects elixir and phoenix, which is incredible. Event with only little web-development experience I could develop a system with user Management, an online editor and remote compiler for Arduino.


elixir logo


But, every time that I tried to experiment a little with the system or integrate a new feature, the system crashed. And mostly not because of Elixir, but because of JavaScript. The more the system grew, the more intimidating it was to update something.




So I did a little research and stumbled across this language called elm. Looks like Haskell, no runtime exceptions, statically typed, etc., that was not so interesting as the model-view-controller approach, with only one global state. This was genius, and so I thought lets give it a try. After rebuilding the UI with elm I realized that the system that I had developed so far, could also be used to teach programming, operating system, algorithms, IOT and other stuff, but how would I develop such content and deliver it to students, via PDFs, Word, or develop a website for every aspect? So the next idea that came into my mind, why not using something like Markdown for creating online courses, but this time I will add everything that I miss in Markdown to make it more interactive.

Let's build a Markdown-interpreter with Elm

{{0}} Search for Markdown parsers in Elm: only JavaScript


Let's build a Markdown interpreter in elm. Search for Markdown parsers written in elm and extend them. Oh, there is one, but it is using JavaScript in the back.

{{1}} Search for Parser libraries in Elm: Parser-Combinators???


Ok, so here must be some parser libraries, that I can use. Well, it seems there are, but what the heck is a parser combinator?

{{2}} AntLR and compile it to: No Elm! But JavaScript.


I know AntLR and I know it can be used in many languages, so probably it does also have an elm integration. Well, no, only JavaScript.

{{3}} What else: Regular Expressions


Okay, I do not want to develop an entire programming language, so it should be sufficient to use regular expression and some basic rules, right?

{{4}} Go back to: step 1


After few hours later I was wondering, what was this parser combinator thing again.

Modularization (Elm)


Developing a parser the functional style actually fits into the common elm developing process perfectly. In most cases you start with an initial app.

├── App.elm
├── Lia.elm
└── LiaHelper.elm

And the more your application grows, the more you start to separate parts into modules with a model, view, update, and some helper functions, but the same can be done for the parser too.

├── App.elm
└── Lia
    ├── Model.elm
    ├── Parser.elm
    ├── Types.elm
    ├── Update.elm
    └── View.elm

At the end, a parser is also a composition of many parsers, such as your view is. And every parser is only responsible for a very tiny part, such as the quiz and survey parser only have to perform one single task.

├── App.elm
├── Lia
│   ├── ...
│   ├── Markdown
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── Quiz
│   │   │   ├── Json.elm
│   │   │   ├── Model.elm
│   │   │   ├── Parser.elm
│   │   │   ├── Types.elm
│   │   │   ├── Update.elm
│   │   │   └── View.elm
│   │   ├── Survey
│   │   │   ├── Json.elm
│   │   │   ├── Model.elm
│   │   │   ├── Parser.elm
│   │   │   └── ..
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── ...

LiaScript vs. LMS


For the next part, I also did a little research and tried to analyze how difficult it is to create online courses with common Learning Management Systems, so called LMS. I therefor watched a couple of instructional YouTube videos and counted clicks, the time for a task, how often the page had to be changed and also what instructors said, whether it is quite easy or complicated. The data and links can be found at the following link.


From Hero to Zero with Learning Management Systems.

{{1}} Multimedia


On average, it takes 3 minutes to integrate something like video with too many clicks and page changes. In most cases users also had to deal with the embed code and thus leave their standard editor and switch to coding.

System time-on-task # of clicks # of pages satisfaction
Canvas 02:56 10.4 5.1 0.83
Edmodo 02:33 9.1 2.9 0.00
ILIAS 02:59 11.2 5.3 0.00
Moodle 03:51 13.9 7.3 0.27

{{2}} Quizzes


Quizzes are even more complicated, even for the instructors, one woman even said “what the f” during a recording, since her settings got lost a couple of times.

System time-on-task # of clicks # of pages satisfaction
Canvas 08:34 51.2 15.6 0.38
Edmodo 05:59 24.9 8.2 -0.10
ILIAS 04:04 19.3 7.7 0.10
Moodle 08:33 47.5 9.9 -0.92

Thus, the next part is intended to show, how easy these tasks can be solved with a simple extension to Markdown.

Task: Integrating Multimedia Content


If you know Markdown, then the first three types of links should be familiar to you. A simple link, you can give it a name, if you put it into parentheses and add some content in brackets at the beginning. And if you want to define an image, you have to mark it with an exclamation mark in front of it. But that is where Markdown ends.

 [a link](




In LiaScript you can add a question mark in front of it, to indicate a sound file. With a bit of imagination this might resemble and ear. But next to ordinary files, this works for example also for SoundCloud.




And if you have an image with sound, then this can be interpreted as a video. And the best thing about this is, if you are reading this document with a Markdown reader of your choice, than these links are still valid Markdown links.



Task: Adding Quizzes

[( )] This is wrong. [(X)] The only correct option. [( )] Still not right.

[[ ]] Add as many elements as you want? [[X]] The X marks the correct answer! [[ ]] ... this is wrong ... [[X]] ... this has to be selected too ... [[?]] hint1 [[?]] __ hint 2__


$$ \sum_{i=1}^\infty\frac{1}{n^2} =\frac{\pi^2}{6} $$

Lazy Parsing & Refactoring

   Document: String                         Model
 ╔══════════════════════╗                 +---------------------+
 ║ # main title         ║                 | title: List String  |
 ║                      ║                 +---------------------+
 ║ ## sub-title         ║                 | body: List Markdown |
 ║                      ║  (JiT compile)  +---------------------+
 ║ ``` python           ║ --------------> | code: Array Code    |
 ║ print("Hello World") ║                 +---------------------+
 ║ ```                  ║                 | quiz: Array Quiz    |
 ║                      ║                 +---------------------+
 ║ ...                  ║                 | ...                 |
 ╚══════════════════════╝                 +---------------------+

   Model: Array Slides
 | title: main title  | title: sub-title   | title: ...
 | code:  String      | code:  String      | ...
           |                                          |
     (JiT compile)                              (JiT compile)
           |                                          |
           v                                          v
 +--------------------+                     - - - - - - - - - - -
 | body: Markdown     |
 | code: Vector Code  |
 | quiz: Vector Quiz  |
 | ...                |

Hello World

var s = "Hello World";
s + 22;


let who = data.first_name + " " + data.last_name;

if( {
  who + " is online"; }
else {
  who + " is NOT online"; }
  "first_name" :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"  :  "Shark",
  "online"     :  true
<script> // insert the JSON dataset into the local variable data let data = @input(1); // eval the script that uses this dataset eval(`@input(0)`); </script>


@red(See a List of Templates at:)

author: ...

@red:    <bf style= "color: red">@0</bf>

  ... @0 ... @1 ... @input(1)


attribute: _Say thank you_


# Macros

@red(See a List of Templates at:)

int main(void) {
  printf("Hello World\n");
  return 0;


No Brain

This might take a while until the patient data is loaded.



What's Next?


Infographic: Textbook Costs Skyrocket 812% in 35 Years


The cost of getting a (decent) education in India is skyrocketing


College Textbook Prices Increasing Faster Than Tuition And Inflation







Messaging (Elm)

type alias Event = { topic : String, section : Int , message : JE.Value }

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg, Maybe Event )
  [MODULES]                       ┏━━━━━━━━━━┓      ░  [MESSAGES]
 -----------                      ┃ Terminal ┃      ░ ------------                   { ... }
                                  ┗━━━━━┳━━━━┛      ░                                 =====
                              ┏━━━━━━━━━┛           ░                                   |
      ┌─┬─┬─┬───        ┌─┬─┲━┻━┱───                ░                                   v
 Quiz │0│1│2│...   Code │0│1┃ 2 ┃...                ░      { top: "term", sec: ., msg: ... }
      └┬┴┬┴┬┴───        └┬┴┬┺━┳━┹───                ░       ===============================
       └ ┴ ┼ ─ ─ ─       └ ┴ ─┠ ─ ─ ─               ░                                   |
           └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┲━━━┛                     ░                                   |
 ┌──────────┐         ┌─┲━┻━┱─┬─────                ░                                   v
 │ Settings │  Slides │0┃ 1 ┃2│ ...                 ░      { top: "code", sec: 2, msg: ... }
 └─────┬────┘         └┬┺━┳━┹┬┴─────                ░       ===============================
       │               └─ ╂ ─┴ ─ ─ ─                ░                                   |
       │            ┏━━━━━┛                         ░                                   |
 ┏━━━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┓                       ░                                   v
 ┃         LiaScript        ┃                       ░     { top: "slide", sec: 1, msg: ... }
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                       ░
         |         ^                                ░
         v  ports  |                                ░

Lifting a Project and Dependencies to Elm 0.19

{{1}} ** Remain on Elm 0.18!!! **

{{2}} Update your project first --> webcomponents, ports, operators, lazy, etc.

{{3}} Update the libraries --> operators, lazy, etc.

{{4}} Upgrade your libraries to Elm 0.19

{{5}} Upgrade your project to Elm 0.19


Talk about LiaScript at the elmeurope conference 2019







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