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Strudel: A Library for Modeling and Simulation of Structured Programming

What is Strudel?

Strudel is a software language in the form of a programming library that comprises classes that model structured programming, where their instances describe models of programs. In addition to performing static analysis, Strudel provides a virtual machine capable of interpreting those models, through a step-by-step simulation of a call stack-based execution, where one may programmatically observe every aspect of execution in detail, such as errors, tracking variables, loop iterations, call stack, or memory allocation.

How does it work?

At the heart of Strudel there is a meta-model addressing concepts for describing constructs of structured programming. These constructs are in essence those of a While language (also often referred to as IMP language), with additional elements defining and calling procedures. These models are the shared abstraction for defining, analyzing, and executing programs.

These abstractions are encoded as a programming library (Strudel) implemented in Kotlin, suitable to be used with JVM languages. By instantiating the classes modeling these abstractions, one defines a set of procedures. These can be executed, simulating the computational process based on a call stack and heap memory. This feature is embodied in the library as a Virtual Machine (VM) that can be used programmatically.


The following are simple examples that showcase Strudel's basic functionalities. For a more complete set of examples, check out the examples folder.

Using Strudel's DSL to instantiate procedure models

Strudel includes an internal DSL (domain-specific language) which makes use of Kotlin extension functions that apply lambdas with receivers. This feature enables the representation of the nested structures in a way that resembles the usual programming language syntax. This feature also makes use of operator overloading for arithmetic operations and infix syntax for relational and logical operators.

The following code utilizes Strudel's DSL to instantiate the model for a function that performs binary search on an array of integers.

// Instantiate a procedure that returns a boolean value
val binarySearch = Procedure(BOOLEAN) {
    val a = Param(array(INT)) // Function parameter of type int[]
    val e = Param(INT) // Function parameter of type int
    val l = Var(INT, 0) // int l = 0
    val r = Var(INT, Length(a) - 1) // int r = a.length - 1
    While(l smallerEq r) {
        val m = Var(INT, l + (r - l) / 2) // m = l + (r - l) / 2
        If(a[m] equal e) {
        If(a[m] smaller e) {
            Assign(l, m + 1) // l = m + 1
        }.Else {
            Assign(r, m - 1) // r = m - 1

The following code is a direct translation of the previous model to typical Java syntax.

public class Test {
    public static boolean binarySearch(int[] a, int e) {
        int l = 0;
        int r = a.length - 1;
        while (l <= r) {
            int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            if (a[m] == e) {
                return true;
            if (a[m] < e) {
                l = m + 1;
            } else {
                r = m - 1;
        return false;

Loading and executing Java code through Strudel

You can start by loading a Java source code file to Strudel to obtain a module, from which you can get the procedure you want to execute:

val f = File("")
val module = Java2Strudel().load(f)
val search = module.getProcedure("binarySearch")

You can then create a Strudel virtual machine and use it to run the procedure with the arguments you wish to pass to your function:

val vm: IVirtualMachine = IVirtualMachine.create()

val a: IReference<IArray> = vm.allocateArrayOf(INT, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 23, 27)
val e: IValue = vm.getValue(23)

val result: IValue? = vm.execute(search, a, e) // true


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