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@AndreaCipriani dotfiles


  • Run ruby install.rb to get all your apps and tools installed
    • The installation is idempotent, you can run it multiple times and you should be in the same state
  • Everything under ~/dotfiles/load/ gets loaded into your terminal
    • /load/ is loaded first
    • zsh automcompletion suggestions are only inside ~/dotfiles/autocompletion
  • All files under work-encrypted/ will be encrypted
  • Run ruby scripts/backup.rb to save all changes

Installation order:

  • macOS
  • ruby
  • Clone the repo and run ruby install.rb
  • Setup iTerm by setting the theme (CMD+I, Colors tab, Load Presets, Import) and configuration (Profiles, Other Actions, Import JSON Profiles, select iterm/AndreaCipriani.json)
  • Setup Visual Studio code by syncing with account
  • Setup Alfred



Initially inspired by @holman dotfiles. I diverged from it because I wanted to keep it simple, understand everything and heavily depend on ohmzsh.


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