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This is a little benchmark about computing Levenshtein distances in various programming languages.

The task

The Levenshtein distance (or edit distance) of two words s and t is the minimum number of modifications needed to turn s into t. Valid modifications include:

  • adding a character;
  • removing a character;
  • changing a character into a different one.

For instance the Levenshtein distance between house and home is two.

It can be computed as follows. Let s1 be the tail of s and t1 that of t. Compute the three numbers d(s, t1) + 1, d(s1, t) + 1 and d(s1, t1) + x where x is 0 if s and t start with the same character, and 1 otherwise.

Then d(s, t) is the minimum of these three numbers. Unless, of course, either s or t is empty, in which case the distance is just the length of the other word.

The task amounts to compute all pairwise distances between distinct words in the file words1000.txt and report the average distance. The expected result is 8.56999127737733. The timing shall not include reading the file itself.

Dynamic programming

A simple way to do this is to compute a matrix where the entry A[i][j] is the distance between the last i characters of s and the last j of t. This can be computed incrementally, and the bottom-right entry is the desired result.

This is fast, but not very interesting. We still include entries for dynamic programming computations, but just as a baseline.


The more interesting task is to compute these distances by the recursive definition given above. The reason why this is interesting is that it is a good way to test the meta-programming capabilities of your programming language.

You see, implementing the recursion naively will require a looong time. One can do better by memoizing the function.

Now, memoization already requires that functions are first-class entities. But memoization of recursive functions is subtler, because the self-calls will, in most implementations, still refer to the non-memoized function.

One way to overcome this requires that your language either has macros or can otherwise alter the AST of the function at runtime.

This is enough if one wants to call the Levenshtein function once. But we are going to call it about half a million times. If one just does memoization along the way - thereby filling a hashtable of precomputed values - the cache is going to become very big, and things will slow down to a crawl. Hence, we need something more: the ability to clear the cache of the memoization between one call and the other.

So, in a sense, the task is more about seeing whether this is even possible in various programming languages, and secondarily testing the run time. It is expected that this will be orders of magnitude slower than dynamic programming, because of the extra function calls, and also because locating entries in an array is faster than a hashmap.

But the memoization style is more interesting, because it stresses closures, hashtables, and possibly reflection.

How to run

Clojure: lein run


USE: levenshtein.benchmark
"../words1000.txt" levenshtein-benchmark

Factor (dynamic):

USE: levenshtein.benchmark.dynamic
"../words1000.txt" levenshtein-benchmark

Nim: nimble c -d:release -r levenshtein

Nim (dynamic): nim c -d:release -r levenshtein