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Releases: andreasjr/notionstuff


25 Mar 20:21
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  • Fixed Gallery text being cut off
  • Made mobile navbar smaller
  • Disposed of shadows in navbar, subnavbar, and elsewhere
  • Fixed section bg-colors having rounded edges (selects things that are not .n-module-parent)
  • Gave normal bg-colors more rounded edges and padding
  • Callouts and callouts with links have new design, look COOL
  • Headers and covers look better with a complete re-write from the ground up. Code looks a lot better too!


  • Added text-align module that adds a simple css "text align"
  • Added logic to determine if callout has a link and nothing else
  • Added ability to dismiss mobile navbar by tapping anywhere
  • Fixed section images as backgrounds by moving notion-image blocks into nysics-background instead of copying image src and making a new object


23 Feb 01:24
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Fixed iOS gallery bug
Fixed lightbox image open re-animate bug
Added lightbox image close animation
Added floating Table of Contents support
Added support for "textPosition" transforms
Added style to make cursor:default on regular text
Added shadow to n-hero
Separated site logo from JS, now can be changed in settings


08 Feb 22:59
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  • Added lightbox for images. Click an image, and boom! It fills the whole screen.
  • Made it so background videos are now centered and scale properly.
  • Updated card headers, spacings (dividers inbetween sections will just show a space, not a line; sections don't have space in between them, but will have space if the block comes after text or a list)

To do:

  • Fix iOS gallery swiping
  • Add iOS smooth scrolling


06 Feb 21:08
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Added support for card, hero, and section "modules" using code.
Added support for any block to have a background image or video. If a block has both, desktop will default to video, mobile will default to image.

Known issue:
On iOS, carousels are funky.


04 Feb 22:26
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In general

  • No longer manually mini-fying stuff, the CDN I use can do that now.


  • Updated 2nd navbar module to be { f l e x i b l e }
  • Fixed bug where 2nd navbar would appear above main navbar on mobile
  • Fixed FB messenger icon z-index
  • Fixed gallery spacing on iOS
  • Updated margins in footer, anchor, and header when 2nd navbar is seen


Added new pageModule... module...

  • This lets me set CSS classes from inside Notion. So hopefully this can lead to a more streamlined page loader, more modules (such as full-width gallery slideshows), and a standardized framework for myself!
  • The biggest part of this is being able to add a class name in notion (using !${"type": "menunav"}) and it applies it to the host object AND to the body. This means I can now, for example, affect the main navbar if the page has a secondary navbar.


02 Feb 21:39
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-Added gallery sliders for mobile

  • Module for secondary page navigation
  • Made it so the home background on mobile is just a static image
  • Separated out navigation and footer link logic from code so it can be updated separately
  • Fixed horizontal nav bug on mobile
  • Fixed anchor link position offset


01 Feb 22:16
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  • Added more padding to full-width images and dividers.
  • Updated fonts to be lighter and less weighty.
  • Highlighted depth with shadows, buttons with darker backgrounds, and refined colors.
  • More scaling division between headers.
  • YouTube video background should be muted, and now scales appropriately.
  • Full width images scale elegantly on bigger screens.
  • Mobile nav is more elegant.


  • Fixed notion-image full-width in a column going off screen
  • z-index values were messed up, causing navigation to appear under gallery items
  • Gallery images zoomed out, instead of gallery cards zooming in when hovered over.
  • Galleries now display all text. It's not chopped off!
  • Fonts were too bold; updated font package and weights.
  • Header image height was determined by viewport height; now determined by line height. Image now covers 4 fields in page views.

Fixed some bugs. v1!

01 Feb 21:42
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Changed background color to Notion dark default and fixed some bugs. Still have to fix property descriptions getting cut off in the gallery, mobile navbar links being out of place, and a few more visual tweaks.