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On-Device HoloLens 2 IR Tracking

This project contains the source code for tracking passive IR sphere markers using only the HoloLens 2 AHAT Sensor.


  • Easy-to-use tracking of retro-reflective marker arrays using the HoloLens 2 research mode
  • Simultaneous tracking of multiple markers (tested with up to 5, can theoretically support a lot more)
  • Support for partial marker occlusion - define marker arrays with 4 or more fiducials, keep tracking even when some are occluded (min. 3 visible at all times)
  • Support for spherical markers and flat marker stickers
  • Support for different marker types and sphere diameters to be tracked simultaneously
  • Filter 3D fiducial world positions using Kalman Filters
  • Filter marker array world position and rotation using low-pass filtering

How to use precompiled library

Check out the Unity Sample application provided here:

How to build from source

  1. Follow steps described in OpenCV/ to compile OpenCV 4.8.0 from source
  2. Open HL2IRToolTracking.vcxproj using Visual Studio
  3. Set the build target to Release and the target architecture to ARM64
  4. Save the solution
  5. Build the solution
  6. Copy Out/HL2IRToolTracking.winmd and HL2IRToolTracking.dll to your Unity Project's Assets/.../Plugins/WSA/ARM64/ folder
  7. Copy the contents of the UnityBindings/ folder to your Unity Project's Assets/.../Scripts folder
  8. Setup scene like the scene included in the sample:
  9. Make sure to enable Research Mode on your HoloLens 2 device
  10. Build the project in Unity
  11. Open the resulting solution in Visual Studio
  12. Build and run the solution in Release mode on ARM64 architecture, and deploy to Remote Device, setting the device name or ip address in the debug settings


Special thanks to Wenhao Gu for his hololens plugin project that served as a basis for this project:

This project also makes heavy use of opencv and the open source libraries included therein.

License and Citation

This project is provided under MIT license.

If you use this project or create your own derivatives, please cite the following BibTeX entries:

  author =       {Andreas Keller},
  title =        {HoloLens 2 Infrared Retro-Reflector Tracking},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2023}

A. Keller, HoloLens 2 Infrared Retro-Reflector Tracking., 2023. [Online]. Available:

  author={Martin-Gomez, Alejandro and Li, Haowei and Song, Tianyu and Yang, Sheng and Wang, Guangzhi and Ding, Hui and Navab, Nassir and Zhao, Zhe and Armand, Mehran},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, 
  title={STTAR: Surgical Tool Tracking using Off-the-Shelf Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays}, 

A. Martin-Gomez et al., “STTAR: Surgical Tool Tracking using Off-the-Shelf Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pp. 1–16, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3238309.


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