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Pretty Academic Portfolio Website Theme

Finally, an academic portfolio website that actually looks good, ready to go.

See my dad's website here, or the screenshots below, for a demo of the website.

This repo guides you through setting up your own academic portfolio website, complete with its own CMS.


Papers Page

Project page



  1. Click on "Use this template" and then "Clone this repository"
  2. git clone your directory locally to your computer
  3. cd src && npm i
  4. Edit src/config.json (see Config Manual below) as needed. Leave Project ID blank for now
  5. cd ..
  6. python
  7. Continue to CMS guide


Creating the project

  1. Run this command in your terminal:

     npm create sanity@latest -- --bare --dataset-default --create-project "Personal Site"
  2. Follow instructions from Terminal to create or login to Sanity

  3. After creating your account, go back to Terminal and take note of the Project ID.

  4. Copy paste your Sanity Project ID into config.js and proceed to Deploying the Schema

Deploying the CMS

cd cms
npm i
sanity cors add localhost:3000
sanity deploy

sanity deploy will prompt you to enter a hostname for your CMS. Enter whatever you like - keep in mind it needs to be a unique hostname so maybe put your full name down. Take note of the link outputted after sanity deploy runs - that is your Sanity CMS!

Testing your website Navigate to the project root and run npm start. Add content to your website through the link above. Your website will be empty until you add content.

Config Manual

Config File


name: Your full name. Will be used in the website's title and homepage

authorName: e.g. if your name is "John Roberts", this would likely be "J. Roberts". This is used to underline your author name in the Papers section so viewers can easily discern if you were the first, second, third, etc. author

sanityProjectId: Links your Sanity CMS to your site. You get the Project ID after completing Creating the Project in the CMS Guide

pages: Which pages you want to display. These are already set by default but feel free to change them.

pageNames: What the name of each page should be. These are already set by default but feel free to change them

metaDescription: The description of your website that shows up on Google Search


If you want to add your CV to the website, you should replace CV.pdf in the public/ folder with a PDF of your own CV. Make sure your CV is named CV.pdf


Replace the favicon.ico in the public/ directory to change your website's icon

Deploying your website

After all the above steps are completed and you've added enough content so that your personal website is ready to go, run

firebase deploy hosting
  1. Select the option to Create a New Project.
  2. Enter any Project Name / ID that you like
  3. Your public directory is build
  4. Select Yes for configuring as a single page app
  5. Select Yes for configuring automatic deploys with GitHub
  6. Run a build script every deploy no, Overwrite irebase-hosting-pull-request.yml no, automatic deployment when PR is merged yes, branch associated main, overwrite workflow file no

Now, push to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m "firebase setup"
git push origin main

And then build the website + deploy to Firebase (this should be done automatically on each GitHub push but still good practice):

npm run build
firebase deploy

After deploying, you should get a URL where your website is hosted. Make sure to add that URL as a CORS Origin so that Sanity lets your site request data

cd cms
sanity cors add your-url-here

Congratulations, you have a personal website!


A beautiful academic portfolio website theme + template, easy to setup






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