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This tool is executed as a bookmark within Chrome on LinkedIn Profiles. Upon execution, the tool will expand a couple of elements on the profile and then a prompt will display. Enter the keywords you would like to match (standard Boolen is accepted). The tool will highlight those words and give you the total number of hits on the page for each keyword.

How to install:

Do you use bookmark buttons?


  1. Great! Just copy EVERYTHING listed in the highlight_bookmark.txt file and paste that into the URL field of a new bookmark.

-No: I am sad to hear that, but you are in for a treat.

  1. Copy everything listed in the highlight_bookmark.txt to your clipboard
  2. Open Chrome.
  3. Enable the bookmark bar by pressing CTRL+Shift+B (Windows) OR CMD+Shift+B (Mac).
  4. You should now see a new bar under your website bar. It probably has some default bookmarks displaying. Right-click anywhere on that bar and select "Add Page"
  5. Name the bookmark whatever you like and paste the contexts of your clipboard into the URL field.

How to use: Click the button you created when on a LinkedIn Profile *(Basic for now. I will update Recruiter and Sales Nav soon) A prompt box will ask you to enter the keywords you would like to highlight. That is it.

This tool supports boolean, so you can just drop your search directly into the prompt without making any changes. "quoted phrases" will be highlighted as such. OR, AND, () operators will just be deleted as they are not applicable.


  1. Highlights all of your keywords
  2. Highlighted color changes based on the keyword frequency
  3. Number of matched keywords is listed in front of the keyword
  4. Search for ambiguos phrases with a NEAR operator: "n3r" a) n3r usage: drive n3r change AND data n3r "process optimization"

Future Updates:

  1. Recruiter and Sales Navigator pofile support
  2. Support for all websites *) Tell me what else you would like to see


Highlight your Keywords / Keyphrases on LinkedIn






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