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An alternative to Python's dir(). Easy to type; easy to read! For humans only.


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>>> see()

    An alternative to Python's dir().
    Easy to type; easy to read!
    For humans only.

    Version: 1.0

    Requirements: Python 2.4+ or 3.0

Sacrilege! Just what do you think you're doing?

Don't get me wrong; dir() is a wonderful little function. Always there to help
you out when you chance upon something new and mysterious. I would dare say
it's one of my favourites.

But wait! There is a problem. Let's face it: dir() isn't exactly easy on the
eyes. Say you have a list of everyday items:

    >>> pencil_case = [
    ...     'pencils', 'protractor', 'ruler',
    ...     'a pair of compasses', 'razor blades',
    ...     'calculator', 'Garry Gum',
    ...     'Anti-Garry Gum'
    ... ]

And you want to see what you can do with this list. So you try:

    >>> dir(pencil_case)
    ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '
    __delslice__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__get
    item__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '
    __init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__
    ', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__',
     '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__str__', 'a
    ppend', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse'
    , 'sort']

What a mess. Look at all that code! We didn't want the works -- we were just
curious. Help us out here, Computer. This just will not cut it.

Enter see().

    >>> see(pencil_case)
        []           in           +            +=           *            *=
        <            <=           ==           !=           >            >=
        hash()       help()       iter()       len()        repr()
        reversed()   str()        .append()    .count()     .extend()    .index()
        .insert()    .pop()       .remove()    .reverse()   .sort()

Blimey! There's something different about this one, isn't there? Is this the
same pencil_case we had before? I can READ it. There's functions and operators
and everything. No underscores or list separators in sight. I am sorry I
doubted you, Computer. We can still be friends, yes?

Okay, I'm convinced. How do I install this thing?

If you have root privileges, installing may be as simple as typing

    sudo easy_install see

from a bash shell. If easy_install is not, er, installed on your system, use
the accompanying file instead:

    sudo python install

For a local install (e.g. for users without root privileges), do:

    python install --home="$HOME"

Now fire up a Python shell and try out this poetic little number:

    from see import see

With a bit of luck, nothing will explode, and you'll be skimming through
object attributes like nobody's business.

I don't have to type that every time, do I?

Absolutely not! You can make sure see() is available every time you run Python
by using a startup file. Simply save the line `from see import see` to a .py
file in your home directory (here I'll use the file ~/ Then, set
the following environment variable (e.g. in ~/.bashrc):


Now let's see if it works...

    $ python
    Python 2.5.1 (your lottery numbers)
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> foo = 'bar'
    >>> see(foo, '.is*')
        .isalnum()    .isalpha()    .isdigit()    .islower()    .isspace()
        .istitle()    .isupper()
    >>> # success!

For iPython users, enabling see() by default requires a little more work.
Create a file in your ~/.ipython directory, and save the
following code to it:

    from IPython import ipapi

    def main():
        ip = ipapi.get()
        ip.ex('from see import see')


From here, you have two options:

 1. Launch iPython with the command: ipython -profile see

 2. Open ~/.ipython/ and add the following line inside the
    main() function:

        import ipy_profile_see


An alternative to Python's dir(). Easy to type; easy to read! For humans only.









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