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Using sentiment from news to "predict" stock prices

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Stock price (LSTM) based on sentiment polarity (failed)

Sentiment from news and deep learning (LSTM) is used to predict stock prices (NOTE: it does not work). The functionality is exposed via Flask API and web page as a simple frontend. It is also possible to run it from console.


  1. A stock symbol and company name are entered followed by pressing "Get forecasst"
    • a list of names separated by commas is also tolerated. The first word in the list will be used as a stock symbol and the rest as search terms for searching the articles for mentions of the company
  2. A 20 year history of the stock is downloaded and cached for further use
  3. A LSTM RNN is trained using Keras and a Tensorflow backend on the stock history, a model is then saved for further use. Adapted from Machine Learning for Trading.
  4. News scraping engine is run using (separate repo - fin-news-data-collection)
    • news from the front page are first parsed
    • each article URL is hashed and stored in a log so articles are downloaded only once
    • new articles are downloaded and stored in a csv
  5. Articles for the past 6 days are filtered for the stock symbol
  6. Sentiment polarity is calculated for the article titles.
  7. The resulting stock price value prediction and sentiment polarity are displayed


  • main - main console app
  • bot_api - using Flask API to exposing the function as a web service and SocketIO to update the frontend in a more user friendly way
  • ml_utils - LSTM RNN implementaion, adapted from Machine Learning for Trading
  • sia_utils - Vader Sentiment Analyzer implementaion
  • stock_utils - download, caching and preparation of stock history data-collection
  • article_utils - caching and preparation of news articles
  • spider_utils - scraping of news articles (using Scrapy and scraper defined in fin-news-data-collection)
  • lexicon_data/ - directory containing the customized financial lexicon and the Loughran/McDonald finance-specific dictionary
  • templates/ - directory containing the frontend page in HTML format
  • static/ - directory containing the resources for the frontend page in HTML format

Installation (dev env)

Python 3.6 and the following libraries are required: pandas scrapy regex matplotlib pandas_datareader nltk keras tensorflow sklearn flask_socketio

(Google Cloud g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory) machine is enough)

  1. Create a new directory and get the code
  2. Add the scraper project under the Python path (example Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS):
    • SITEDIR=$(python3 -m site --user-site)
    • mkdir -p "$SITEDIR" (if needed)
    • echo "$HOME/dir-where-fin-news-data-collection-is" > "$SITEDIR/indianstock.pth"
  3. Configure the Tiingo API key and set the env var (example Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS):
    • register on Tiingo and get the API key
    • export TiingoAPI="aaaa123456789bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  4. Configure the connection between the web page and web service:
    • edit templates/try-bootstrap.html and change the URL in two places
    • under AJAX request (search for "url :" or "$(document).ready(function() {")
    • under SocketIO connect (search for "var socket = io.connect(")
  5. Run the Flask backend - "python3" and hit the URL, you should see a simple dashboard open.


Using sentiment from news to "predict" stock prices






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