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A tiny utility library for jedis, mainly designed to make it more fun on Java 8. It manages transactions and pipelines automatically and provides basic type conversion. Personally, this project was used to play with publishing artifacts to the maven central.

Setting up


Command blocks

Command blocks are a way of grouping related commands in a single lambda expression. Commands inside a block can be refactored to run inside automatically managed transactions, pipelines or both. All command blocks take a Jedis instance and a Consumer. A simple command block, running outside transaction or pipelines, can take a Function if you wish to return values directly:

String compellingRequest = new CommandBlock()
        .using(jedisPool.getResource()) // This one is closed after the commands are executed
        .call(jedis -> {
            String request = Optional.ofNullable(jedis.get("request"))
                    .orElse("Give me your extra resources");
            return request + "!";

To make this command block transacted, just add .transacted(); to make it pipelined, use pipelined(). The same GET command, now running inside a transaction and pipeline (talk about overkill), would be:

final Result<String> request = new Result<>();
new CommandBlock()
        .consume(pipeline -> {
String compellingRequest = request.asOptional()
        .orElse("Give me your extra resources") + "!";

Notice that Result is used instead of Response. Results are thin wrappers for a jedis Response or for output of non-multikey commands. For convenience, you can use typed results that converts redis output strings to primitive types:

final Result<Boolean> someBooleanResult = new BooleanResult();
new CommandBlock()
        .consume(pipeline -> {
try {
    Boolean someBoolean = someBooleanResult.get(); // Result.get() returns null just like Response.get()
} catch (ConversionException ex) {
    // The key exists, but doesn't contain a valid boolean. Valid boolean is
    // any string that equals, ignoring case, "true" or "false".

You also have access to a list containing all redis responses. This means that this:

List<Object> responses = new CommandBlock()
        .consume(pipeline -> {/* Code goes here */});

... is the same as:

List<Object> responses;
Response<List<Object>> execResponses;
try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {
    Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined();
    // Code goes here
    execResponses = pipeline.exec();
responses = execResponses.get();