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TechZone 2019 - Reactive Apps Demo App

An Ionic 4 hybrid mobile application to show basic operations for Reactive Apps.


Andrés Vasquez Agramont

Presentation Slides

Development Requirements


Node Version Manager

In order to prevent system wide permission errors while using Node (avoiding the installation of packages and running node scripts with sudo for Unix based systems), NVM installs Node in a different directory other than the system's, and it allows to switch from version to version in a painless way.

Unix (macOS/Linux)

You can read the full instructions on the NVM repository or you can run the following cURL script directly on the unix terminal:

curl -o- | bash


Follow the Node Version Manager for Windows installation instructions or download the installer directly, decompress the ZIP file and run nvm-setup.exe.


Once you have NVM installed check it's accessible in your $PATH or as an alias in your terminal:

nvm ls

It should output the versions of node you have installed:

-> v10.16.3
default   -> 10.16.3 (-> v10.16.3)
node      -> stable (-> v10.16.3)
stable    -> 10.16 (-> v10.16.3) (default)
lts/* -> lts/dubnium (-> v10.16.3)
lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
lts/carbon -> v8.16.1 (-> N/A)
lts/dubnium -> v10.16.3

Now you can install the current node LTS (legacy version) with the following command:

nvm install 10.16.3

Once installed you can optionally set it up as the default node version with the next command:

nvm alias default 10.16.3

Once you're done with the installation verify with the commands:

node -v && npm -v

It should output:


Ionic CLI

To install the Ionic CLI, you will need to first install node and npm. Once installed, run the following command to get the latest version of the Ionic CLI:

npm install -g ionic@latest


Cordova is necessary for generating platforms, installing plugins, building and running the application in real devices (Android and iOS).

npm install -g cordova@9.0.0

Note the version 9.0.0, which is required for this project.

iOS Sim - iOS Deploy

To be able to build the iOS version of the application it's required to install ios-sim and ios-deploy

npm install -g ios-sim ios-deploy

This will allow to run the command:

ionic cordova platform add ios && ionic prepare ios && ionic build ios


To install the application dependencies you need to run the following command:

npm install

This command will read the package.json and install all the required dependencies to the node_modules folder.


Use ionic serve to start a local development server for app dev and testing. This is useful for both desktop browser testing, and to test within a device browser which is connected to the same network. Additionally, this command starts LiveReload which is used to monitor changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file the browser is refreshed automatically.

ionic serve

There are several configuration flags you can customize the command with.


The emulate command will deploy the app to the specified platform devices. You can also run live reload on the specified emulator by adding the --livereload option. The live reload functionality is similar to ionic serve, but instead of developing and debugging an app using a standard browser, the compiled hybrid app itself is watching for any changes to its files and reloading the app when needed. This reduces the requirement to constantly rebuild the app for small changes. However, any changes to plugins will still require a full rebuild. For live reload to work, the dev machine and emulator must be on the same local network, and the device must support web sockets.

ionic emulate ios --target="iPhone-6s, 10.3" --livereload

There are several configuration flags you can customize the command with.


To restore or add platforms (ios, android, browser, windows, etc.) run the following command:

ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova platform add android


The build command builds an app for a specific platform. Pass in either ios or android to generate platform specific code in the platforms subdirectory. The build command is a proxy for Cordova’s build command.


ionic cordova buid android

NOTE: if you want to have the same signature for android to avoid uninstalling the app replace the debug.keystore located in ~/.android/debug.keystore with the provided in the library


Go to XCode and open the .workspace file generated in the folder platforms/ios/. Change the provisional profile for signing the app to an authorized one.

ionic cordova build ios


The run command will deploy the app to the specified platform devices. You can also run live reload on the specified platform device by adding the --livereload option. The live reload functionality is similar to ionic serve, but instead of developing and debugging an app using a standard browser, the compiled hybrid app itself is watching for any changes to its files and reloading the app when needed.

ionic cordova run ios
ionic cordova run android


Reactive Apps Sample - Ionic4






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