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Recipes21 is an open source project written in Node.js

Environment variables

Create or edit the file $HOME/.bash.profile

export R21_CACHE_DEBUG=false
export R21_CACHE_ENABLED=false
export R21_CACHE_DURATION="1 minute"
export DATABASE_URL=**********************
export R21_BASE_URL="http://localhost:3000/"
export R21_META_CACHE=1
export R21_IS_PRODUCTION=false
export R21_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=**********************
export R21_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=**********************
export R21_GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:3000/sso/google/callback
export PGSSLMODE=require
export R21_SESSION_SECRET=*****************
export R21_ADMIN_SECRET=***************** ## to excute some admin tasks
export R21_LOG_LEVEL="info"
export R21_DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL=",w_900,q_auto:low/v1564258209/recipes21/default.jpg"
export R21_IMAGES_BASE_URL=",w_900,q_auto:low/v1564258209/recipes21/"
export R21_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=**********************
export R21_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=**********************
export R21_SHOW_ADS=false
export NODE_ENV="development"
export R21_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS=false ## It should be true in production
export R21_SENDINBLUE_API_KEY_V3="*********"
export R21_HTTP_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD="*********"

After saving the file execute this to reload variables

source .bash_profile


npm start


  • mocha
  • chai
  • chai-hhtp
  • nyc
  • mochawesome
  • npm-check
  • apicache
  • prettier
  • flexsearch

Run tests

npm test

It will generate a mochawesome report at test_results folder. It also will generate a conerage report at coverage folder

Run a specific test

The first time install mocha globally

sudo npm install mocha -g

And then run the specific test:

mocha tests/test_all.js -g "should create a recipe"


Heroku is the platform used to deploy this projects. There is a pipeline with two apps: staging and production.

Staging app has automatic deploy enabled from master branch. It waits for Travis runs all the tests before deploying.


Google Lighthouse

Get some insight to optimize our frontend

sudo npm install -g lighthouse


lighthouse --view <url_to_test>

After that a report will be generated in the home folder

Heroku commands

Restore DB

Bring Prod DB to staging DB

heroku pg:backups:restore recetas-node-back::b004 DATABASE_URL --app recipes21-staging

See prod logs

heroku logs --app recetas-node-back --tail

HTTP auth basic

user: admin pass: the value of the environment config R21_HTTP_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD


Apache License 2.0.