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Identify intrusion attempts in processes running inside docker containers using anomaly detection.


Installation requirements:

  • Docker
  • Python 2.7
  • pip

We recommend you install docker-anomalies inside a virtualenv:

sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
git clone
cd docker-anomalies
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Detecting anomalies

In one console start the anomaly detection engine:

$ sudo -s -H
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ python
Listening for docker events...

In a second console run a docker container:

$ docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
root@9957e6a9ceea:/# ls

In the first console you'll now see something like:

Listening for docker events...
Monitoring container: 9957e6a
Monitoring process ID: 10410
New process ID detected 10410 detected in container 9957e6a
Attach process 10410
Attach process 10410
{'arguments': [{'type': 'int', 'name': 'fd', 'value': 0L}, ... 'name': 'read'}
{'arguments': [{'type': 'int', 'name': 'fd', 'value': 2L}, ... 'name': 'write'}

The last two lines are the captured process syscalls, which are serialized and sent to the Redis queue for processing.

When the process or container finishes you'll see:

Finished monitoring process ID: 10410
Finished monitoring container: 9957e6a


docker-anomalies is a process that runs on the same box as your docker daemon and monitors it's events. When an event indicates that a new container is started docker-anomalies queries the daemon to find the process IDs which are running inside the container.

Using the process IDs, root privileges, and ptrace, docker-anomalies` captures the syscalls from all container processes and sends them to a Redis queue (serialized using msgpack).

The event anomaly detection analyzes the process behaviour and if necessary sends an email to the admins.

docker anomaly detection


This code is alpha state, we just wanted to explore Docker REST API and ptrace. No performance/load testing was done and the anomaly detection engine is very basic.

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