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In Progress

Some notes (for myself):

  1. Installing Jekyll:

  2. syntax highlighting for code snippets: Rouge

    current theme: monokai

  3. latex for math in md: MathJax (refer to post.html)

  4. jekyll theme

    Make sure to specify in _config.yml:

     theme: jekyll-theme-architect

    and check that the gem is specified in Gemfile.

     gem "jekyll-theme-architect", "~> 0.2.0"

    If the gem has not been installed, run

     $ bundle install
  5. Referencing one post url from another post:

     {% post_url 2021-09-22-automatic-speech-recognition %}
  6. Adding css styling to images in markdown:

    A hack to use will be to include your class at the end of your image source like this


    Here img-src is the image source, i.e. the path to the image.

    In your css, you can then reference the images with the following selector

     img[src$='#your-class'] {